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Extracorporeal Knotting vs Clips for Ligating Cystic Duct
            Follow-up                                          cholecystectomy in 60 patients reported that most common age-
            All patients were followed up for a period of 1 month, and no   group of presentation was between 30 and 50 years. 1
            significant complication was noted.                   In this study, the male-to-female ratio is almost 1:1; a study done
                                                               by Nidoni et al. on predicting difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy
                                                               based on clinicoradiological assessment in 180 patients reported
            dIscussIon                                         that male-to-female ratio was 1:1.76. 10
            The mankind was affected with gall stones from centuries,   Another study done by Kuldip Singh et al. on extracorporeal
            and the best treatment for the symptomatic gall stone disease    knotting with silk vs liga clips for ligating cystic duct in laparoscopic
            is cholecystectomy. In elective cholecystectomy, laparoscopic   cholecystectomy in 60 patients reported that there was a female
            cholecystectomy is considered best and feasible. Laparoscopic   predominance, i.e., 90%. 1
            cholecystectomy yields good results and better prognosis   In the present study, the mean operating time for group in
            when compared to the open cholecystectomy in terms of early   which extracorporeal knotting done was 67.37 minutes when
            postoperative recovery, pain, shorter hospital stays, and early   compared to control group using clips was 61.83 minutes. However,
            getting back to routine life style.                statistical analysis showed that the difference between the two
               In laparoscopic cholecystectomy, preferably titanium clips   groups was not significant. Using clips reduce the intraoperative
            are used to clip the cystic duct. In recent times, different ways   time which has advantage over the extracorporeal knotting,
            of suturing and knotting are used by either intracorporeal or   whereas clips have the drawback of slippage resulting in leakage or
            extracorporeal technique. However, there are only few case series   hemorrhage and there are situations such as wide cystic duct where
            analyzes that compare the cystic duct occlusion with knotting and   clipping is difficult, in such cases using the extracorporeal knotting
            using titanium clips in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.  for occluding the cystic duct is best alternative. Extracorporeal
               In the present study, for extracorporeal knotting, Vicryl No   knotting with absorbable suture material is feasible, practical,
            1 was used for ligating the cystic duct and knots are pushed   economic, and safe as well.
            using a knot pusher. The duct was ligated in two places, once   However, the difference in the operating time between the
            near to the common bile duct and another one distally near the   two groups was mainly because surgeons do not commonly use
            gallbladder (Fig. 1). Cystic duct is cut in between the two knots,   the extracorporeal knotting when compared to the frequently
            and gallbladder is dissected from the liver bed. In 90% of the   used clips during laparoscopic cholecystectomy and also there
            patients, gallbladder was extracted by using sterile glove and, in   was technical skill associated with extracorporeal knotting. As
            few affordable patients, sterile bags were used.   skill increase with extracorporeal knotting, we have observed that
               In Obstructive jaundice due to accidental ligation of common   operating time decreased.
            bile duct was seen with clip ligation as compared to with suture   Intracorporeal knotting is another method of knotting the
            ligation. This result is further supported by a study by Bali and Singal   cystic duct. There is a need to learn the skill, and it is little difficult
            who concluded that silk suture can be tied near the common bile   while knotting as compared to extracorporeal technique of
            duct, as risk of involving the common bile duct wall is very little as   knotting (Fig. 1).
            compared to clips. 9                                  In the present study, cost of the suture (Vicryl No 1 Round
               In the present study, the maximum percentage of patients who   Body) used was 302 rupees when compared to titanium clips that
            underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy were under the age-  cost 500 rupees.
            group of 30–49 years of age, i.e., 77%; another study done by Nidoni   A study done by Kuldip Singh et al. on extracorporeal knotting
            et al. on predicting difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy based   with silk vs liga clips for ligating cystic duct in laparoscopic
            on clinicoradiological assessment in 180 patients also reported   cholecystectomy in 60 patients concluded that though it takes
            that 30–50 years was the most common age-group to undergo   more time for extracorporeal knotting of cystic duct when
            laparoscopic cholecystectomy. 10                   compared to liga clips, it makes a significant difference with respect
               Another study done by Kuldip Singh et al. on extracorporeal   to cost without affecting the safety and efficacy in laparoscopic
            knotting with silk vs liga clips for ligating cystic duct in laparoscopic   cholecystectomy. 1

            Figs 1A and B: Extracorporeal knotting of cystic duct

             16   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 1 (January–April 2022)
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