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Evaluation of Open vs Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty in Children
            open surgery. In 10 patients, the DTPA renogram remained steady, 5   stays, and superior aesthetic results. For PUJ blockage, laparoscopic
            in the open group and 5 in the laparoscopic group. The differential   pyeloplasty has become the gold standard.
            function of the remaining two decreased. Both of the youngsters
            who had their pyeloplasty redone were from the open group. The
            difference in improvement in differential renal function between   Authors contrIbutIons
            the two groups was not significant (p >0.05; Table 3).  All authors have read and approved the manuscript.
               After pyeloplasty, the postoperative analgesic need was way
            lower in the laparoscopic group than those in the open group.   Acknowledgments
            The period of analgesic usage was also significantly reduced in
            the laparoscopic group. In the laparoscopic group, the mean   The authors extend their sincere thanks to all the children and their
            postoperative hospital stay was 3.15 days, contrast to 8.25 days in   parents who participated in the study.
            the open group. The average follow-up time for open surgeries was
            33 months, whereas it was 34 months for laparoscopic procedures.   references
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