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Veterinary Laparoscopy in India: A Future Perspective
Ravi Kumar , Bhumika , Inderjeet Yadav 3
Laparoscopic surgery is a highly specialized and rapidly evolving field in veterinary science. Since laparoscopic surgery has an enormously
broad scope and a high impact on welfare of animals, competence in this field should urgently be promoted and provided in India. At present,
we are lacking a well-designed training course having dedicated facilities with all the instruments to maximize hands on experience for better
learning of this highly sophisticated technique. We need to inculcate this technique in the veterinary education from the undergraduate
program for effective learning. Initially some foundational program for learning this minimally invasive technique should be planned followed
by advanced courses/trainings depending upon the specialization of veterinarians. Nowadays veterinarians across the world have started using
this technique but in India, there exists no specific training programs for laparoscopy surgery, so there is urgent need to explore and implement
laparoscopic training program for the veterinarians for getting them exposed in the field of laparoscopic surgery. In this article, we will discuss
about the current scenario of veterinary laparoscopy, laparoscopy education and training programs availabilities, and the future perspective
of implementing veterinary laparoscopy in India.
Keywords: Laparoscopy perspective, Laparoscopy training, Minimally invasive surgery, Veterinary education, Veterinary laparoscopy surgery,
Veterinary surgery.
World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2021): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1469
Laparoscopy is one of the most promising diagnostic and
therapeutic aids among the several current surgical technologies 1,3 National Brain Research Centre, Gurugram, Haryana, India
used in veterinary medicine. Laparoscopic surgery is the third major 2 Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension
advancement in the field of surgery after anesthesia and asepsis. Education, Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
Laparoscopic surgery, a minimally invasive type of procedure, is Hisar, Haryana, India
done by inserting the laparoscope into the patient through a tiny Corresponding Author: Inderjeet Yadav, National Brain Research
(less than 1 inch long) incision, and it was first performed on a dog Centre, Gurugram, Haryana, India, e-mail: inderjeet.nbrc@
in 1901. Since then, this technique has been explored mainly for
the benefits of human beings only, and there were either none or How to cite this article: Kumar R, Bhumika, Yadav I. Veterinary
very few veterinarians who have started the use of laparoscopic Laparoscopy in India: A Future Perspective. World J Lap Surg
surgeries all over the globe. Laparoscopy started with animals but 2021;14(3):171–172.
has not been used much in the field of veterinary science. Nowadays Source of support: Nil
veterinarians across the world have started using this technique, Conflict of interest: None
but in India, we still need to train more and more veterinarians for
laparoscopic surgery. There is scarcity of training centers having
adequate facilities, i.e., dry laboratory training, cadaver training, direct examination to become a vital part of gynecological
simulator, and finally hands on live animals. So, there is a dire practice. Technology continued to evolve, but the most significant
need of intensive course on laparoscopy in India, having focus breakthrough was the introduction of a video computer chip in
on providing essential skills and procedures required for safe 1986. This technological advancement allowed the operating
laparoscopy surgery. surgeon to project a magnified picture of the operative field onto
Laparoscopy has its origins in the discipline of endoscopy, a monitor while also freeing both of his hands, making it easier
and much of its history may be traced back to the advancement to undertake complex laparoscopic surgeries thus facilitating the
of endoscopic methods. The concept and the framework for integration of laparoscopy into field surgery. When we talk about
laparoscopic surgery was initially discovered over a century ago. humans, the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy on a human patient
The technique’s introduction into the field of general surgery, on the was performed in 1987 by the French physician Mouret, while the
other hand, is a comparatively new development. Several attempts first laparoscopic cholecystectomy in India was performed in 1990
were made to construct endoscope-like instruments in mid-1800s, at JJ Hospital in Mumbai. All the aforementioned research and
but the first effective open-tube endoscope was developed in development in case of laparoscopy and endoscopy have been
1853 by Desormeaux, which was used to examine the urethra and possible only due to animal studies.
the bladder. Many physicians later refined the original endoscopic Nowadays, veterinarians across the world have started using
models, notably Kussmaul and Nitze, and began using their new this technique, but in India, there exists no specific training
instruments in their medical practice. 1 program. Most of the interested veterinarians from India are going
However, major breakthrough in this field was the work done by abroad for training, so there is a dire need to promote veterinarians
Kelling on live dogs by attempting laparoscopy or endoscopically for adopting and using laparoscopy in their routine practice.
examining the peritoneal cavity in 1901 and called this examining Laparoscopic surgery is growing at fast rate in veterinary surgery
procedure “celioscopy.” It started from diagnostic biopsies under because of the increasing awareness and interest of veterinarians
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