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Veterinary Laparoscopy in India: A Future Perspective
            in India due to reported advantages such as faster recovery, lower   Veterinary laparoscopy certainly has advanced, but we hope to see it
            risks, small incision better visibility, and fewer complications.   expand even further. Most surgeries that are being done in veterinary
            Laparoscopic surgery may provide a number of benefits but loss   medicine can be done laparoscopically. Some of the more commonly
            of depth perception, loss of touch, reduced degree of mobility for   performed procedures include spay, cryptorchid neuter, abdominal
            instruments, and the adoption of positions that are not usually   exploratory, biopsy of internal organs, bladder stone removal,
            ergonomic for long periods of time are some of the downsides of   gastropexy to prevent gastric dilation volvulus. Laparoscopic surgical
            laparoscopic surgery for the surgeon. Thus, it becomes necessary   techniques allow veterinarians to perform procedures with less risk
            for a surgeon to get enough hands-on experience in dry lab   and discomfort, which is a win for all involved.
            environment using simulators before moving to patients.  Laparoscopic science has an enormously broad scope and a
               Laparoscopy can lead to a major revolution in veterinary surgery   high impact on welfare of animals; competence in this field should
            as surgery done using laparoscopy has faster wound healing due   urgently be promoted and provided in India. Efforts should be made
            to small size of incision, thus providing better results in species   to train the veterinarians in the field of laparoscopy to improve their
            which are generally difficult to keep immobile. Government of   understanding and learn surgical skills in laparoscopy, which will be
            Himachal Pradesh has started a project of sterilization in monkeys   very helpful for the veterinarians in acquiring not only techniques
            using laparoscopy to control the population of monkeys who   and responsibility toward animals but also help them to develop
            are responsible for great losses in agricultural crops, because it   an ethical attitude toward animals by improving animal welfare.
            produces a relatively small surgical wound that requires very little   We would like to see more veterinarians shifting from
            postoperative care or regular dressings.  Few veterinarians in metro   conventional surgery to laparoscopic surgery. The capacity for a
            cities have also started to use this technique, but still they lack good   veterinary hospital to offer laparoscopic surgery necessitates a
            expertise and are also devoid of potential patients.  large financial investment, both in terms of the time it takes for a
            Laparoscopy is divided into two parts mainly:      veterinarian to obtain the advanced training required to operate
                                                               laparoscopic equipment and in terms of the cost of equipment itself.
            •  Surgical laparoscopy: A number of surgical procedures are being   Increased training availability is a good start, but equipment cost
              done presently in field of veterinary surgery such as ovariectomy,   reductions would be even better. We hope that future perspective
              gastropexy, laparoscopically assisted enterotomy, cystotomy,   of implementing laparoscopy surgery can be achieved by providing
              and urethrocystoscopy.                           cost-effective newly developed intensive hands-on training
            •  Diagnostic laparoscopy: Laparoscopy was also used for   program on veterinary laparoscopic surgery in the centers having
              visualizing, examining, and collecting biopsies from different   the state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure where participants
              organs from different species of animals. Pregnancy diagnosis   can launch their journey for keyhole surgery using laparoscopy. This
              has also been done successfully using laparoscopy, but with   type of centers will help participants to develop the psychomotor
              the introduction of sonography, its use in pregnancy diagnosis   skill for laparoscopic surgery by a distributed practice training
              has become obsolete.  Laparoscopy has also been used for   program consisting of theory, dry lab, cadaver training, simulator
              insemination and embryo transfer of animals.     training, and finally wet lab practice. The overall goal will be to train
               The biggest advantage of laparoscopic surgery is that animals   veterinarians for changing their approach and practice so that they
            experience less pain and discomfort, primarily because of the   can implement this technique with greater insight and confidence
            smaller incisions, which results in less damage to both the affected   for the benefit of voiceless animals in Indian context.
            area and the surrounding tissues. Additionally, it results in less
            blood loss, reduced risk of infections, reduced anesthesia time,  references
            and significantly shorten their recovery time. Veterinarians can not     1.  Spaner SJ, Warnock GL. A brief history of endoscopy, laparoscopy,
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