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Incidental CaGB in Operated Cases of Gallstone Disease
            a tertiary care referral hospital in eastern Uttar Pradesh, India,   Table 1: Intraoperative findings of our study group (N = 200)
            on 200 consecutive patients who underwent cholecystectomy   Operative finding  Frequency  %  Valid % Cumulative %
            (laparoscopic/open) for chronic cholecystitis between October 2014   Valid
            and May 2016. An informed written consent was taken.
                                                                   GB distended,    165    82.5    82.5  82.5
            Inclusion Criteria                                   adhesion-minimal
            All patients who underwent cholecystectomy (laparoscopic/open)     GB contracted,   21    10.5    10.5  93
            for chronic cholecystitis.                           adhesion+
                                                                   GB contracted,   9       4.5     4.5  97.5
            Exclusion Criteria                                   adhesion−
            •  Diagnosed or suspected case of CaGB.                GB distended,    5       2.5     2.5  100
            •  Patients not fit for surgery.                     adhesion+
            Parameters Studied                                   Total            200    100.0  100.0
            •  Detailed history and clinical examination.
            •  Baseline investigative work up.
            •  Special investigations like prothrombin time (PT), USG
              whole abdomen, CT scan abdomen, magnetic resonance
              cholangiopancreatography—where indicated, endoscopic
              retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)—where indicated.
            •  Histopathology.
            Statistical Analysis
            SPSS statistical software was used for analysis. One-way analysis
            of variance test was used to compare between two groups. To test
            the association between variables, Fisher’s exact test was used.
            The P-value less than 0.05 was considered as significant. Results of
            the study were compiled, tabulated, and analyzed using statistical
            methods, and inference was drawn. All information recorded in
            the proforma was verified. The results were compared with data
            obtained from different geographical regions. A total of 200
            consecutive chronic cholecystitis patients who satisfied the study
            criteria were incorporated as the study group. This study was   Fig. 1: Bar graph showing intraoperative findings of our study group
            ethically conducted in accordance with Declaration of Helsinki.  (N = 200)
            results                                            Table 2: Histopathology examination findings of our study group
            Results and findings observed in studied sample are presented in   (N = 200)
            the subsequent sections.                            Histopathological
                                                                examination (HPE)  Frequency  %  Valid %  Cumulative %
            Intraoperative Findings                             Valid
            Intraoperative findings are depicted in Table 1 and Figure 1. In   Chronic cholecystitis  195    97.5    97.5  97.5
            most of the patients, gallbladder (GB) was distended, adhesion was     Dysplasia bordering    1     0.5     0.5  98
            minimal, and GB contained multiple or single stones.  to adeno Ca in situ
            Histopathology Findings                                Well-differentiated    1     0.5     0.5  98.5
            Different biopsy findings are mentioned in Table 2 and Figure 2.    adeno CaGB
            According to the biopsy report, five cases were diagnosed as
            CaGB, usually infiltrating up to lamina propria. Most of these were     Moderately    1     0.5     0.5  99
                                                                 differentiated adeno
            adenocarcinoma. Rest were frank chronic cholecystitis.  CaGB (pT3NxMx)
            Final Diagnosis                                        Poorly differentiated    1     0.5     0.5  99.5
            Among 200 patients, 195 had chronic cholecystitis, and 5 cases   adeno CaGB
            were diagnosed as CaGB in the postoperative settings from their   (pT2NxMx)
            biopsy report (Table 3; Figure 3). These cases are incidental CaGB.    Poorly differentiated    1     0.5     0.5  100
                                                                 adeno CaGB
            Comparative Results between Chronic Cholecystitis    (pT3NxMx)
            and Incidental CaGB                                  Total             200   100.0  100.0
            Demographic Profile
            Age                                                •  Among chronic cholecystitis patients, mean age: 44.15 years,
            •  Among the incidental CaGB patients, mean age: 45.4 years;   median: 44; mode: 45; standard deviation: 14.67; minimum age:
              median age: 36 years; standard deviation: 18.64; mode: 30;   6 years; maximum age: 78 years (Tables 4 and 5).
              minimum age: 30 years; maximum age: 76 years (Tables 4 and 5).  •  p = 0.85 (unpaired t-test)—not significant.

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