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Preoperative Prediction of Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

            dIscussIon                                         of these patients had delayed presentation due to neuropathy;
            Cholelithiasis is a benign disease of the gallbladder where most   therefore, more association with intraoperative adhesions was
                                                               encountered. In our study, we also found diabetes to be a strong
            cases are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. LC is the gold   preoperative predictor of difficult LC.
            standard procedure of choice for cholelithiasis and conducting   Previous studies which have been done on the Randhawa et al.
            a safe operation becomes the utmost priority for the operating   scoring system concluded that it was more sensitive, less specific,
            surgeon. Much work has been done to improve intraoperative   and had 85–90% positive predictive value for the difficult cases
            outcomes by following safe cholecystectomy protocol but not   preoperatively. 3,13  Our study also found similar results however
            much literature is available on the safe preoperative protocol.   prediction done using a modified scoring system showed that the
            Difficult LC requires preparation in form of operative skill, on   specificity increased and positive predictive value also increased to
            floor senior support, logical surgical steps, bailout procedures,   95%. This shows that simple modification can significantly increase
            and most importantly a well-informed patient and attendants.   the accuracy of the original scoring system. We found this scoring
            Wrong selection of cases can result in devastating results both for   system to be a simple bedside tool, which accurately predicted
            the patient as well as for the operating surgeon. This justifies the   difficult LC preoperatively in our setting.
            importance of preoperative prediction of a difficult LC.  This study had its limitation as it was a single-center study
               Lee et al. and Hussain et al. in their study found age >50 years   and validation in different hospital settings and populations may
            as a risk factor for difficult LC.  Rothman et al. also concluded in a   be required for a further recommendation of this scoring system.
            meta-analysis that there is association of higher rate of conversion   A systemic review and meta-analysis of all the available scoring
            in patients with age >60 years.  Similarly, age >50 years was a   methods would be the best way to remove these limitations.
            significant preoperative risk factor in our study(p value – 0.01).
            In studies done by Kanakala et al. and Rothman, male patients
            had higher rate of conversion to open but it was not found to be   conclusIon
            associated with difficult LC in our study. 9,10  Many studies which   Preoperative prediction helps in better preparation of the
            studied preoperative risk factors for difficult LC did not find male   challenges associated with difficult LC. An accurate and reliable
            gender as an independent risk factor.  History of hospitalization   scoring system, therefore, comes handy for a surgical team in
            for acute cholecystitis, palpable gallbladder, and BMI >27.5 is   this situation. The scoring system that is proposed by the authors
            among the most significant clinical parameters for predicting   significantly increases the specificity and positive predictive value
            difficult LC preoperatively. 2,3,12,13  In our study also these factors   of the Randhawa et al. scoring system which has been validated
            showed strong preoperative association in univariate analysis.   by many studies previously. The proposed scoring system is
            Though Murphy sign was significant preoperative factor in   simple, easy to perform, requires no special investigation and can
            univariate analysis, it did not show significant association in   effectively categorize patients, so that the best expertise is available
            multivariate analysis. Therefore, it was not considered as a risk   when required and the patient is adequately counseled so that
            factor for preoperative prediction.                they are also prepared for various outcomes of otherwise a simple
               Among the ultrasonographic findings, gallbladder wall   procedure. Further evaluation in different clinical settings may be
            thickness showed significant relation in our study, similar to studies   required to validate the findings of this study.
            done by Nachnani et al. and Randhawa et al. where wall thickness of
            >4 mm had intraoperative difficulty in dissection of Calot’s due to   clInIcAl sIgnIfIcAnce
            adhesions and difficulty in grasping gallbladder. 2,14  Pericholecystic
            fluid is found significant in our study with a higher incidence of   The most important goal of a surgeon while performing a procedure
            adhesions intraoperative. This is probably due to the fact that   is to give the best and safest treatment to the patient. LC is the
            pericholecystic fluid is found in cases of acute cholecystitis. Similarly   gold standard treatment for patients with gallbladder disease but
            impacted stones had a direct relation to difficult LC by creating   the difficulties related to the procedure require both expertise in
            difficulty in grasping the gallbladder which caused bile spillage.   laparoscopic skills and the correct choice of bailout procedure to
            Finding of the contracted gallbladder in ultrasonography (USG)   prevent any major complication. The proposed scoring system can
            was independent significant variable for difficult LC in our study   effectively predict difficult LC preoperatively which would help in
            and was associated with adhesions intraoperatively. Rothman et   better preparation for a difficult scenario preoperatively. Patients
            al. also found contracted gallbladder to be associated with higher   can be optimally counseled preoperatively so that they are well
            rate of conversions in their meta-analysis.  Therefore, this factor was   prepared for various outcomes of the procedure.
            added to the scoring system proposed by the authors.
               Other two factors which were added are history of ERCP and  references
            history of diabetes. Reinders et al. found in their study that history     1.  Mc Kinley SK, Brunt LM, Schwaitzberg SD. Prevention of bile injury:
            of pervious ERCP is a significant risk factor for a difficult LC.  Fibrous   the case for incorporating educational theories of expertise. Surg
            adhesions around the Calot’s triangle due to the stent placed after   Endosc 2014;28(12):3385–3391. DOI: 10.1007/s00464-014-3605-8.
            ERCP cause disruption in the plane of dissection posing risk of bile     2.  Randhawa JS, Pujahari AK. Preoperative prediction of difficult lap
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            further increases the complexity of an otherwise simple procedure.     3.  Gupta N, Rajan G, Arora MP, et al. Validation of a scoring system
            Timing of LC after ERCP has been found significant in a study by   to predict a difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Int J Surg
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            Aziret et al., showing early LC within 48 hours after ERCP leading to     4.  Agrawal N, Singh S, Khichy S. Preoperative prediction of difficult
            significant reduction in difficulty.  Diabetes mellitus was a strong   laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a scoring method. Niger J Surg
            predictor for difficult LC in a study done by Aldachal et al.  Most   2015;21(2):130–133. DOI: 10.4103/1117-6806.162567.
                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 1 (January–April 2021)  37
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