Page 42 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Reduction of Vomiting after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
            and vomiting can improve patient satisfaction with medical and   aged over 50 and under 18, patients with a health status of 3, 4, 5 the
            anesthetic services and promote the level of activities and the   American Association of Anesthesiologists, patients with regional
            patient’s faster recovery. 6                       anesthesia cholecystectomy, patients with any systemic disease,
               Different factors in the incidence of post-surgical nausea and   such as diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular disease, gastroesophageal
            vomiting play a role in spinal anesthesia, the most important factor   reflux, severe obesity, pregnancy, lactation, liver and kidney
            being the increased stimulation of vagus due to sympathetic   diseases, neuromuscular diseases, psychiatric disorders, alcohol
            inhibition. Other factors, such as hypotension (systolic blood   addicts and drug and smoker, and acute cholecystitis.
            pressure less than 80 mm Hg), block-level higher than thoracic fifth   This study is double-blind. For the blinding of drugs and
            space, adding substances such as vasoconstrictors, neostigmine,   placebo, they are packaged by a pharmacist in unnamed packages
            and opioids to the anesthetic, increase the chance of nausea and   and encoded and packaged into the operating room. After
            vomiting. Reduced blood pressure causes brain stem cell ischemia,   completing the design and measuring the indicators before the
            which leads to stimulation of the vomiting center in the brain stem.   patient data analysis, the codes are delivered from the pharmacist
            Also, hypotension is associated with ischemia of the intestines and   and the case and control groups are identified.
            the release of nausea-like substances, such as serotonin. 2  After insertion of the patient into the operating room, venous
               Several methods and drugs, including metoclopramide,   access of the patient had the fluid infusion, and crystalloid infusion
            droperidol, a specific 5-HT antagonist, propofol, and dexamethasone,   (Ringer’s serum) started at 500 cc and vital signs were monitored.
            are used to treat this condition. The most commonly used   General anesthesia was induced and patients were divided into
            drug is metoclopramide, which is characterized by the risk of   three groups: at the same time as an anti-nausea drug, ondansetron
            extrapyramidal symptoms and complications, such as drowsiness,   4 mg (Tehran Chemistry Company) was administered intravenously
            dizziness, and headache.  Therefore, proper treatment achievement   and placebo capsule an hour before the operation. In another
            is one of the concerns in this regard, so that research in reducing   group, an 80-mg aprepitant capsule from Tehran Chemistry
            postoperative nausea and vomiting focuses on low-price methods   Company received an hour before the operation with placebo
            and drugs. The drug should have the greatest effect and duration   ampulla during operation and in the third group, an 80-mg capsule
            and the least complication. 6                      of aprepitant 1 hour before the operation and 4 mg ondansetron
               The aprepitant is a long-acting agonist of neurokinin-1 (NK1),   was given during the operation.
            whose half-life is 9–12 hours.  The neurokinin receptor 1 is known   The patient was monitored for at least 30 minutes in the
            to be nausea-like as a receptor with high effect in both acute and   recovery room and then was delivered to the surgical ward. The
            chronic forms.  This drug has been approved by FDA for nausea   severity of nausea and vomiting of patients at 6 and 24 hours after
            prophylaxis induced by chemotherapy. This oral medication is   the operation as early and late symptoms using visual analog
            known as an effective drug for opioid nausea. On the other hand,   scale (VAS) criteria  was recorded in the questionnaire. Nausea
            it has no sedative effect and its use in obese and apnea patients is   and vomiting were measured based on VAS criteria. A 100 mm
            quite safe during surgery and anesthesia. 10       graduated line, the first of which without nausea, and the end of
               The other drugs include serotonin antagonists, such as   it is unbearable nausea. The occurrence of nausea and vomiting
            ondansetron and dolasetron, which have a good effect on nausea   is collected through a patient’s inquiry. The need for antiemetic
            and vomiting.  Ondansetron complications are headache, stomach   medication is questioned by the nurse. Patient information is
            upset, dizziness, flushing of the injection site, and arrhythmia. 11  categorized in separate tables and analyzed by SPSS software.
               Another risk factors for postoperative nausea and vomiting
            are laparoscopic.  Laparoscopy is used to diagnose and treat   results
            many diseases. Pneumoperitoneum, during laparoscopy, can
            stimulate the vagus nerve and increase the chance of nausea and   The mean age of the patients was 39.14 with a standard deviation
            vomiting. Postoperative nausea and vomiting cause, discharge   of 7.78 years (Fig. 1). The highest age in this study was 50 years and
            delay, dehydration, wound dehiscence, pulmonary aspiration,   the lowest 21 years. The mean severity of nausea and vomiting at
            patient dissatisfaction, and increased costs.  Regarding the high
            prevalence of laparoscopic cholecystectomy and postoperative
            nausea and vomiting, in our study, we compared the effect of
            aprepitant, ondansetron, and combination of ondansetron and
            aprepitant, on postoperative nausea and vomiting, to introduce a
            regimen that is safe and low cost.

            MAterIAls And Methods
            After approving the plan and performing the necessary
            coordination, the study was performed as a double-blind clinical
            trial after receiving written consent from patients. A total of 90
            patients which were candidate for laparoscopic cholecystectomy
            under general anesthesia were admitted to the hospital. Inclusion
            criteria for the study include all patients are women aged 18–50
            years, and the American Association of Anesthesiologists has a
            health level of 1 and 2, and at least two APFEL criteria (including
            female gender, non-smoker, having a history of PONV, and use of
            100 mcg fentanyl or equivalent). Exclusion criteria include a woman   Fig. 1: Box plot of age distribution in groups

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