Page 14 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Non-appendicitis Pathologies during Appendectomy

            Table 4: 0perative time
                             Procedure                       N         Mean        Std. deviation  t       p-value
            Operative time   Appendectomy and other pathology     7    72.4286     10.37396       10.310   0.000
                             Appendectomy only               138       43.6667       7.02896

            Table 5: Distribution of histopathological features of the removed appendix
            Age group                                                                   Male    Female      Total
            16–25       Histopathology of the removed appendix  Acute catarrhal inflammation  25  14         39
                                                            Suppurative appendicitis     9       6           15
                                                            Gangrenous appendicitis      7       2            9
                                                            Normal appendix              5       4            9
                        Total                                                           46      26           72
            26–35       Histopathology of the removed appendix  Acute catarrhal inflammation  10  7          17
                                                            Suppurative appendicitis    11       9           20
                                                            Gangrenous appendicitis      4       3            7
                                                            Normal appendix              2       3            5
                                                            Low-grade mucinous neoplasm  0       1            1
                        Total                                                           27      23           50
            36–45       Histopathology of the removed appendix  Acute catarrhal inflammation   7  3          10
                                                            Suppurative appendicitis     4       0            4
                                                            Gangrenous appendicitis      0       3            3
                                                            Normal appendix              1       0            1
                        Total                                                           12       6           18
            46–55       Histopathology of the removed appendix  Acute catarrhal inflammation   0  1           1
                                                            Suppurative appendicitis     2       0            2
                        Total                                                           2        1            3
            56 or older  Histopathology of the removed appendix  Acute catarrhal inflammation  1              1
                                                            Suppurative appendicitis     1                    1
                        Total                                                           2                     2
            Total       Histopathology of the removed appendix  Acute catarrhal inflammation  43  25         68
                                                            Suppurative appendicitis    27      15           42
                                                            Gangrenous appendicitis     11       8           19
                                                            Normal appendix              8       7           15
                                                            Low-grade mucinous neoplasm  0       1            1
                        Total                                                           89      56          145

               The mean operative time when appendectomy was the   dIscussIon
            only procedure done was 43.6667 ± 7.02896 minutes while
            in the case of associated pathology, this time was longer   One of the most common causes of surgical emergencies is acute
            (72.4286 ± 10.37 minutes) (p = 0.000) (Table 4).   appendicitis.  Diagnosis of acute appendicitis is a challenge even to
               Appendicular histopathology showed acute inflammation with   experienced surgeons and is usually a clinical one. Accurate medical
            different subtypes in 130 (89.66%) cases, low-grade appendiceal   history taking and clinical examination are essential to prevent
            mucinous neoplasm in one case (0.69%), and 15 (10.34%) cases   unnecessary surgery, thereby avoiding operative complications.
            had normal appendix in histopathological examination (Table 5).   Approximately 80% of the clinically diagnosed acute
            Six patients with normal appendix had another surgical cause of   appendicitis is accurate, with a false-negative appendicitis rate of
            acute abdominal pain, that was managed laparoscopically. Nine   20%. The patient gender plays a vital role in the diagnostic accuracy
            (6%) patients showed no apparent cause of their abdominal pain.   of acute appendicitis, with a range of 78–92 and 58–85% in male
            The appendix of the patients with cecal diverticulitis showed acute   and female patients, respectively presenting with right lower
            catarrhal inflammation.                            abdominal pain.
               Eight cases (5.5%, 8/145) showed histopathologies other than   The hazards of ionizing radiation make the routine use of
            acute appendicitis, seven non-appendiceal, and one appendiceal   computed tomography (CT) scans in diagnosing acute appendicitis
            pathology.                                         highly controversial, especially in trenchant clinical presentations.

             12   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 1 (January–April 2021)
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