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Efficacy and Safety of Electrothermal Bipolar Vessel Sealer vs ENSEAL in Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for Large Uterus
            unique design and construction of the plasma bisector, the tissues   Table 1: Baseline and demographic characteristics
            close to the dissection area also get a small concentration of current,    Group-A   Group-B
            which helps provide better hemostasis and cut the tissues without          (N = 50)  (N = 50)  p-value
            causing any bleeding. Vessel sealing can be done with the same   Age, years (mean ±  SD)  43.68 ± 5.35 45.06 ± 5.79 0.21
            instrument by varying the pressure and applying a bipolar sealing
            current. But this sealing needs some expertise from the surgeon as   BMI* (mean ± SD)  25.37 ± 2.47 25.52 ± 2.25 0.21
            this instrument is essentially designed for dissection.  Parity, n
               As per the manufacturer’s instructions, standard settings were   Nulli    3         3       0.7
            maintained. Instruments were used for both vessel sealing and   Primi        5         3
            tissue transection.
               All the subjects were administered required perioperative   History of previous surgeries, n  43  45  0.73
            antibiotics and the standard approach for TLH was adopted. The   Yes         7         5
            patients were put in a lithotomy position. Foley’s catheterization
            was done and then a uterine manipulator was inserted. Using one   Group-A, ALAN vessel sealer; Group-B, ENSEAL; *BMI: body mass index
            10-mm and three 5-mm trocars and cannulas, abdominal access
            was obtained. The 10-mm port was introduced supraumbilical or
            5 cm above the upper border of the uterus, whichever was higher.   Table 2: Weight of the uterus in different groups
            After creating pneumoperitoneum, both the pelvis and abdomen         Group-A      Group-B      p-value
            were inspected for any abnormalities interfering with the surgical   Weight of uterus, g  451.60 ± 150.39 447.80 ± 154.87 0.9
            approach. The site, size, and the number of myomas were assessed   (mean ± SD)
            at the start of the procedure. Manipulation of a large uterus may be
            very difficult so a myoma screw was inserted through one of the
            5-mm ports for uterus manipulation, wherever necessary.  Table 3: Intraoperative findings
               Sequential bipolar sealing and transection of the round
            ligaments, bipolar sealing, and transection of the infundibulopelvic   Group-A   Group-B       p-value
            ligament in patients with risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy   Blood loss, mL   111.40 ± 22.32  107.84 ± 20.33  0.4
            (RRSO) or utero-ovarian ligament and fallopian tube in patients   (mean ± SD)
            without salpingo-oophorectomy, opening of the ureterovesical fold   Operative time,      56.90 ± 12.45    57.25 ± 13.54  0.9
            and mobilizing the bladder downwards, sealing and transection of   min (mean ± SD)
            bilateral uterine vessels were done using Alan vessel sealer in group   Complications
            A and ENSEAL in group B. Colpotomy was done using Alan vessel   Bowel injury  0  0             NA
            sealer in group A and monopolar hook in group B. Removal of the   Bladder injury  0  0
            uterus was done by vaginal morcellation. Vaginal cuff closure was
            done by vaginal route. At the end of vault closure, the laparoscope
            was reintroduced to ensure adequate hemostasis.    Table 4: Postoperative findings
                                                                                         Group-A  Group-B  p-value
            results                                             Complications (n)
                                                                Secondary hemorrhage     2        1        0.68
            The patients with fibroid uterus of 12–28-week sizes were randomly   Leukorrhea/vault granulation  4  3  0.78
            allocated to undergo laparoscopic hysterectomy with either Alan   Vault dehiscence  0  0       NA
            vessel sealer or ENSEAL. All the procedures were done successfully   Bladder complications  1  1  NA
            by laparoscopy and no patient was converted to laparotomy in our   Bowel complications  0  0   NA
            study. The baseline patient characteristics including age, parity,
            BMI, and history of previous surgeries were found similar in both
            the groups and showed no statistical significance as depicted in   Intraoperative complications involving bladder or bowel were also
            Table 1.                                           noted in both groups (Table 3).
               The weight of the uterus was measured after the specimen   During the postoperative period, all the subjects were followed
            retrieval following the surgery. The mean weight of the uterus in   up with general, abdominal and vault examinations at 2-, 4-,
            group A was 451.60 ± 150.39, and 447.80 + 154.87 g in group B,   and 6-week to look for complications. Two cases of secondary
            which was comparable between groups (p = 0.9) (Table 2).  hemorrhage in the ALAN vessel sealer group and one case in
               Operative time was recorded from the transection of the   ENSEAL group were noted. Leukorrhea or vault granulation was
            first pedicle until the completion of colpotomy. It was noted   seen totally in seven cases, with 4 cases in group A, and 3 cases
            that the duration of surgery in the ALAN vessel sealer group   in group B. Bladder complications were one case in each group
            was 56.90  ±  12.45  minutes and in the ENSEAL group was   and were followed by an examination that reported them as
            57.25 ± 13.54 minutes. Hence, there was an insignificant difference   vesicovaginal fistula. All the complications were similar in both the
            in the total time taken for surgery in both groups.  groups and were statistically insignificant as are depicted in Table 4.
               Blood loss in the intraoperative period was assessed by
            measuring the amount of blood in the suction apparatus
            minus the irrigation fluid. In group A, the mean blood loss was   dIscussIon
            111.40 ± 22.32 mL and in group B it was 107.84 ± 20.33 mL. There was   Laparoscopic hysterectomy has been the subject of controversy
            no statistically significant blood loss between the groups (p = 0.4).   when it comes to the large uterus. Many studies have concluded

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 1 (January–April 2021)  7
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