Page 13 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Non-appendicitis Pathologies during Appendectomy
            Table 1: Gender distribution of the patients
                                         Frequency     Percent
            Valid          Male            89            61.4
                           Female          56            38.6
                           Total         145           100.0

            Table 2: Age
                 N    Minimum   Maximum  Mean      Std. deviation
            Age  145  16.00     57.00    27.8069   8.34024

                                                                Fig. 3: Inflamed cecal diverticulum

            Fig. 1: Right ovarian torsion with gangrene

                                                               Fig. 4: Resected inflamed sigmoid appendicitis epiploica

                                                               Table 3: Distribution of non-appendiceal pathology by gender and age
                                                                                              Male Female  Age Total
                                                                     Ruptured ovarian cyst        1      20  1
                                                                     Ruptured ovarian cyst        1      24  1
                                                                     Ruptured ovarian cyst        1      28  1
                                                                     Torsion ovary                1      30  1
                                                                     Meckel’s diverticulitis  1          31  1
            Fig. 2: Gangrenous Mickel’s diverticulum
                                                                     Inflamed sigmoid appendices   1     33  1
            and 56 (38.6%) patients were females (Table 1). The mean age was   Inflamed cecal diverticulum  1  44  1
            27.81 ± 8.34 years (Table 2). The minimum age was 16 years and   Total Ruptured ovarian cyst  0  3  3
            younger patients were operated by pediatric surgery staff.  Torsion ovary         0   1          1
               During laparoscopic exploration, the cause of acute abdomen   Meckel’s diverticulitis  1  0   1
            was discovered not to be acute appendicitis in 7 (4.83%) patients;
            3 cases had ruptured ovarian cyst, 1 case had torsion ovary (Fig. 1),   Inflamed cecal diverticulum  0  1  1
            1 patient had acute Meckel’s diverticulitis (Fig. 2), 1 patient had   Inflamed sigmoid appendices   1  0  1
            caecal diverticulitis (Fig. 3), and 1 patient had inflamed sigmoid   epiploica
            appendices epiploica (Fig. 4) (Table 3).                 Total                    2   5          7

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 1 (January–April 2021)  11
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