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Non-appendicitis Pathologies during Appendectomy
            The dose of radiation delivered to the patients during CT scan of   In this study, histopathology of the removed appendix was done
            the abdomen is high, which may be comparable to 400 chest X-rays,   for all cases. 131 (90.34%) patients had appendiceal pathology, 130
            and this certainly will increase the risk of occurrence of malignancies   (89.66%) patients had different types of acute inflammations, and
            like leukemia. 8–10                                one patient had a low-grade mucinous neoplasm non-infiltrative
               In our institution, a CT scan is not routinely used to diagnose   with free margins. Fifteen patients had negative appendectomies.
            acute appendicitis.                                The appendix of the patient with cecal diverticulitis showed acute
               Acute appendicitis can mimic many gynecologic conditions,   catarrhal inflammation. Six patients with negative appendectomy
            making the diagnosis uncertain. Although the imaging techniques   had another pathology of their acute abdominal pain, which
            have improved over the last three decades, it may still be challenging   managed laparoscopically. Nine (6%) patients had no apparent
            to differentiate between non-gynecologic and gynecologic causes   cause of their abdominal pain.
            of the acute abdomen before surgery. 11               Appendiceal mucinous neoplasms are rare tumors with an
               This retrospective study was done on 145 patients who were   incidence of 0.4–1.0% among gastrointestinal cancers. In the early
            admitted to the Emergency Unit, Zagazig University Hospitals,   stage and due to distension of the appendix with mucin, it presents
            Egypt with a diagnosis of acute appendicitis from March 2017 to   with acute appendicitis-like symptoms. About one-third of the
            December 2019.                                     patients with appendiceal mucinous neoplasms are diagnosed
               In this study, the incidence of non-appendicitis acute abdomen   preoperatively as acute appendicitis. 23,24
            among our patients was 7/145 (4.83%). The gynecological causes   The incidence of non-appendicitis pathology in our study was
            were 4/145 (2.76%): three ruptured ovarian cysts, and one ovarian   7/145 (4.83%), which was slightly higher than that reported by
            torsion. The extra-appendiceal non-gynecological causes were   Yabanoglu et al. (3.9%). 4
            3/145 (2.07%): one Meckel’s diverticulitis, one cecal diverticulitis,
            and one inflamed sigmoid appendices epiploica.     conclusIon
               Seetahal et al. conducted a retrospective study that revealed
            that the gynecologic conditions involving the ovary are the   Diagnosis of acute appendicitis is challenging up to date; we faced
            commonest to be misdiagnosed as an appendiceal disease in   many conditions mimicking acute appendicitis during surgical
            females.  Literature depicted the risk of a wrong preoperative   intervention.
            diagnosis (ovarian causes versus acute appendicitis) to be 5–8%,
            which was not high but still worthy of attention. 13  orcId
               The clinical presentation of Meckel’s diverticulitis is typically   Mohammed Algazar
            nonspecific.  Radiologically, the diagnosis of Meckel’s diverticulitis
            can be challenging, especially if it is initially not suspected. 15  references
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            Meckel’s diverticulitis was detected in a 31-year-old male who     1.  Sartelli M, Baiocchi GL, Di Saverio S, et al. Prospective observational
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                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 1 (January–April 2021)  13
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