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            Intraoperative Cholangiography during Cholecystectomy

            Using a Biliary-nose Tube: Routinely Used in Patients with

            Main Bile Duct Stones

            Salvatore Fazzotta , Gaspare Genova , Gianni Pantuso , Salvatore Buscemi , Vincenzo Davide Palumbo , Giuseppe Damiano ,
            Attilio Ignazio Lo Monte , Pietro Genova 8
             Background: Nowadays, the “gold standard” treatment for gallbladder stones is laparoscopic cholecystectomy but the risk of iatrogenic biliary
             duct injuries is increased compared to “open” surgery. Intraoperative cholangiography (IOC) can be useful to avoid biliary injuries but it can also
             be a no-safe procedure in center in which it is not routinely performed.
             Aim and objective: The aim of our study is to trust the efficacy of IOC in a patient with common bile duct (CBD) and gallbladder stones using
             a biliary-nose tube.
             Materials and methods: 135 patients with gallbladder and CBD stones were treated with sequential therapy and randomly divided into two
             groups. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed within 24/48 h. During endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, a biliary-nose
             catheter was left to perform cholangiography during the following surgical procedure. Group A had also a cholangiography at the beginning
             of the surgical procedure in order to evidence biliary duct structure.
             Results: Cholangiography avoided a lesion of the biliary ducts in nine patients. Only a patient had a residual stone in the CBD. The dissection
             at Calot’s triangle was faster in group A patients without differences between the surgeons involved.
             Conclusion: The biliary-nose tube can be useful in patients with gallbladder and CBD who underwent cholecystectomy for different reasons:
             it lets the surgeon performing IOC faster and without risk linked to the technique used; it reduces the risk of biliary injuries; and surgeons feel
             more safe and calm during the surgical procedure.
             Keywords: Endoscopic sphincterotomy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, Gallbladder stones, Laparoscopy, Video laparoscopic
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2021): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1425

                                                               1–8 Department of Surgical, Oncological and Stomatological Disciplines
            Today the “gold standard” treatment of gallbladder stones   (DICHIRONS), University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
            is laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Nevertheless, the risk of an   Corresponding Author: Salvatore Buscemi, Department of Surgical,
            iatrogenic injury of the biliary ducts has increased from two to four   Oncological  and  Stomatological  Disciplines  (DICHIRONS),  University
            times compared to “open” surgery.  The incorrect visualization of   of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, Phone: +39 3357593376, e-mail: salvatore.
            the cystic duct, the common bile duct (CBD), and the cystic artery is
            often responsible for lots of injuries in both techniques. 3,4  How to cite this article:  Fazzotta S, Genova G,  Pantuso  G,  et al.
               Anatomical changes can involve the hepato-cystic triangle, due   Intraoperative Cholangiography during Cholecystectomy Using a
            to acute or chronic inflammatory phenomena, as well as frequent   Biliary-nose  Tube: Routinely Used in Patients with Main Bile Duct
            anatomical variations.  They have always been an important   Stones. World J Lap Surg 2021;14(1):15–19.
            element of operative outcome and they can reduce long-term   Source of support: Nil

            survival and patient’s quality of life. 7,8        Conflict of interest: None
               In 1932, Mirizzi developed intraoperative cholangiography (IOC),
            an imaging technique to evidence biliary ducts intraoperatively. 9
               This method has been widely applied in North American   The introduction in 1974 of endoscopic retrograde
            clinical practice in association with open cholecystectomy since   cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with the endoscopic
            the early 1950s. 10                                sphincterotomy, offered for the first time an alternative to
               At the beginning of the technique, surgeons explored the   reoperation for the treatment of residual CBD stones. 15
            CBD biliary tract during the cholecystectomy in 30–65% of cases.    Video laparoscopic cholecystectomy (VLC) in 1988, opened
            However, surgical exploration of CBD was associated with a significant   again the debate around the routine or selective use of IOC for the
            increase in mortality and morbidity. Based on these observations, a   increased CBD iatrogenic lesions associated with VLC. 16,17  Different
            routine use of the IOC associated with cholecystectomy has been   factors can be involved: the incorrect identification of the anatomical
            proposed. 11,12  The IOC associated with open cholecystectomy   structures; a large number of anatomical biliary duct variations and
            decreased the incidence of misrecognition of asymptomatic   vascular abnormalities; the anatomical changes due to prolonged
            lithiasis of the CBD that is 7%.  The routine use of IOC reduces the   and repeated inflammatory processes involving the gallbladder and
            requirement of CBD surgical exploration from 66% to <5%. 14  the adjacent tissues; and surgeons learning curve. 18–20

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