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Intraoperative Cholangiography Using a Biliary-nose Tube
               At the beginning of surgical procedures, surgeons had to   In patients without altered locoregional anatomical conditions,
            declare their perception of the degree of safety owned, expressing   dissection time was between 10 minutes and 35 minutes and
            it through a numerical score from 1 to 5 and giving the value of 5   between 20 minutes and 45 minutes when difficult anatomy had
            to a mood of peaceful safety. Surgeons knew in which of risk or   been found. IOC avoided a lesion of the biliary duct in 7 patients
            no-risk group the patient belonged.                (10.4%) of which 2 (6.6%) with normal anatomical conditions.
               Once the trocars were positioned and the surgeons evaluated   Only 1 patient (0.7% of all) had a small stone in CBD. The surgeon
            the surgical field, they had to do a survey attributing the following   eliminated it during the procedure, washing it through the catheter.
            values:                                               All surgeons evaluated their approach to surgery with a score
                                                               of 5 before the surgical procedure, also in patients where difficult
            •  5 if he was sure of being able to complete the procedure   anatomical conditions were expected by the form applied. The
              laparoscopically;                                rating given by the surgeons after the inspection of the operating
            •  4 if he was sure to complete the laparoscopic procedure with   field was 3 in 21 cases (13 by the junior surgeon).
              longer time;                                        Maybe, the IOC previously performed in group A patients
            •  3 if he thought he needed to perform an IOC;    provided a first picture of the biliary duct map and this had
            •  2 if there was the possibility to convert the procedure to open   influenced the rapidity in the dissection that was shorted than
              surgery;                                         group B without significant difference between senior and junior
            •  1 if he wanted to convert immediately.
                                                               surgeons. It seems that a preventive view of the biliary ducts can
               At the end of the procedures, surgeons had to express their   contribute to a faster dissection but it is the IOC performed before
            opinion on the usefulness of cholangiography, with also the   the section that had a real meaning in avoiding biliary injuries. In
            subjective influence that it has had on the procedure.   fact, in nine cases surgeons avoid biliary damages thanks to IOC.
               In both groups, there were no significative differences in the   The form used to hypothesize the anatomical conditions, based
            positioning time of the radiological equipment that was about   on the elements we have taken into, has shown poor specificity
            5 minutes and cholangiography time that was between 3 minutes   (67%) and sensitivity (76%).
            and 6 minutes.
            results                                            Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the gold standard for gallbladder
            In group A, “difficult” anatomical conditions were found in 9 of the   cholelithiasis but is linked to an increased rate of biliary injuries.
            23 patients (39.1%) of no-risk group and in 27 (60%) among the 45   The incorrect visualization of the cystic duct, the CBD, and
            of the risk group (Table 3). When locoregional anatomy was not   the cystic artery is often responsible for surgical injuries.  The
            significantly changed, the dissection time after cholangiography   European Association for Endoscopic Surgery’s guideline shows the
            was between 10 minutes and 20 minutes. In those patients with   importance of dissection and the relevance of the critical view of
            locoregional alterations, the dissection time was between 10   safety (CVS).  CVS is not only a dissection method but also the final
            minutes and 35 minutes. Transcatheter cholangiography allowed   picture that is obtained through a careful and prudent dissection of
            the safe recognition of anatomical structures in all patients without   the Calot’s triangle to highlight the duct and the cystic artery. 36,37
            complications. Surgeons avoided injuries in the patients in which   Despite its adoption, however, the percentage of biliary injuries
            difficult conditions were not expected thanks to IOC. The second   has not decreased even in centers where it is routinely adopted.
            cholangiography avoided a lesion of the biliary duct in two patients   Laparoscopic surgeons lack three-dimensional (3D) view and
            of this group.                                     tactile sensitivity causing iatrogenic bile duct injuries.  These
               In group B, we performed cholangiography after the isolation   problems are on the focus of scientific discussion. 3D laparoscopy
            of the anatomical structures at Calot’s triangle. In the 42 patients   helps surgeons, especially in difficult surgical procedures, but this
            of the risk group, we found 31 (73.8%) difficult surgical dissections   technology is still not present in most of the surgical departments. 38
            and 9 among the 25 in which anatomical alterations were not   Since 1932, IOC can help to avoid biliary injuries but its routine
            hypothesized (26%) (Table 3).                      use is controversial: it is very useful to find anatomical biliary
                                                               alterations or to find residual/unknown stones in the CBD; 39,40
                                                               however, it is expensive in terms of time and costs and it can also
            Table 3: Results. There were no significant differences in IOC time. The   cause biliary damages by itself. 41,42
            form applied showed low sensitivity and specificity   The ERCP changed the choledocholithiasis therapy and it let
            Results                 Group A      Group B       to avoid complications linked to the surgical exploration of CBD.
            Patients without surgical com-  68   67            Lots of patients need ERCP because it immediately solves their
            plications                                         choledocholithiasis pathology with a short time of hospitalization.
            Risk group results      27 of 45 (39.7%) 31 of 42 (46.3%)  Nowadays, ERCP is routinely performed and lots of centers follow
            No-risk group results   14 of 23 (20.6%) 16 of 25 (23.9%)  the sequential treatment in gallbladder/choledocholithiasis. Leaving
            Surgical dissection time   24′17″    32′38″        a biliary-nose tube during ERCP is a simple and safe procedure. It
              (minutes)                                        can be useful in sequential therapy in patients who should undergo
            No-biliary duct integrity before  2 (2.9%)  7 (10.4%)  cholecystectomy. In this way, we can avoid the problems linked to
                                                               loss of time and biliary injury due to tube insertion procedure. It can
            cutting                                            also be avoided that a stone could pass throw the cystic duct to the
            IOC time (minutes)      5 ± 1        4 ± 1         CBD during intraoperative anterograde cholangiography.
            Residual stones in CBD  0            1                Surgeons feel more comfortable knowing to have a biliary-
            Bile duct injuries      0            0             nose catheter to perform an IOC and this is well expressed in our

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 1 (January–April 2021)  17
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