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Safety and Feasibility of Sleeve Gastrectomy with Loop Duodenal Switch
                                                               Institutional ethics committee approval was obtained and detailed
                                                               written informed consent was taken from all the participants in this
                                                               study. Our study complied with the ethical norms proposed by the
                                                               Helsinki declaration for research involving humans.
                                                               Four ports were used in all the patients. Devascularization of greater
                                                               curvature was performed starting opposite to angular incisure.
                                                               Dissection was continued up to 5 cm beyond the pylorus and
                                                               behind the first part of the duodenum until the gastroduodenal
                                                               artery was identified (Fig. 2). The lesser omental layer over the
                                                               caudate lobe was divided from behind the stomach to create a
                                                               window. The right gastric artery (RGA) was divided at its origin
                                                               using a vessel sealer. This step was a modification compared to
                                                               the classical SADI-S described by Sánchez-Pernaute et al.  This
                                                               step ensured free mobility of gastric sleeve, pylorus, and the
                                                               first part of the duodenum as a single unit after the duodenal
            Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of sleeve gastrectomy with loop duodenal   transection.  A lax sleeve gastrectomy (SG) was performed around
            switch: BPL (biliopancreatic limb); CC (common channel); DS (duodenal   a 38 French calibration tube starting 4 cm proximal to the pylorus.
            stump); L (liver); P (pancreas); LDIB (loop duodenoileal bypass); SG   After completion of SG, the duodenum was transected using
            (sleeve gastrectomy)                               staplers (Fig. 3 and 4). The divided first part of the duodenum was

            Fig. 2: Operative photograph of the duodenal dissection: CHA (common   Fig. 3: Operative photograph of the duodenal transection: D1 (part
            hepatic artery); D1 (part of the duodenum); GB (gallbladder); GDA   of the duodenum); GB (gallbladder); L (liver); SG (sleeve gastrectomy)
            (gastroduodenal artery); P (pancreas); S (stomach)

            Fig. 4: Operative photograph of the duodenal stump: CHA (common   Fig. 5: Operative photograph of loop duodenoileal bypass: BPL
            hepatic artery); DS (duodenal stump); GB (gallbladder); GDA   (biliopancreatic limb); CC (common channel); D1 (part of the
            (gastroduodenal artery); L (liver); P (pancreas)   duodenum); LDIB (loop duodenoileal bypass); SG (sleeve gastrectomy)

            MAterIAls And Methods                              anastomosed to distal ileum, in the antecolic end to side fashion
            It was a retrospective study of 169 patients who underwent SLDS   using 3-0 continuous absorbable sutures in two layers (Fig. 5). In the
            surgery between November 2013 and June 2020. Patients with body   fixed common channel (FCC) variant of SLDS surgery, the common
            mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m , those in whom surgery was performed   channel length was fixed at 2.5, 3, or 3.5 m proximal to the ileocecal
            as a primary surgery were included in this study. Those who   junction. In the fixed ratio bypass (FRB) variant of SLDS surgery, a
            underwent LDS as a revision surgery were excluded from this study.   fixed percentage of the jejunoileal length was bypassed.
            118   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 3 (September–December 2020)
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