Page 21 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Safety and Feasibility of Sleeve Gastrectomy with Loop Duodenal Switch
            Table 1: Weight parameters
                                            Preoperative        6 months follow-up           1 year follow-up
            Parameter                   N      Mean ± SD  N        Mean ± SD         N        Mean ± SD
            Weight (kg)                 169    125.46 ± 24.7 152   85.72 ± 15.68     125      71.23 ± 11.83
              a Significance                                       p < 0.001 (A–B)            p < 0.001 (A–C)
            BMI (kg/m )                 169      45.39 ± 7.6  152  31.12 ± 4.77      125      26.01 ± 3.59
              a Significance                                       p < 0.001 (A–B)            p < 0.001 (A–C)
            % Excess weight loss
              Overall                   —      —          152      74.53 ± 19.21     125      99.24 ± 20.62
              a Significance                                                                  p < 0.001 (B–C)
              Common channel length  2.5 m  —  —            26     70.9 ± 8.45         23     101.87 ± 8.45
                                  ≥3 m  —      —          126      75.28 ± 20.69     102      98.64 ± 22.46
              b Significance                                       p = 0.081                  p = 0.258
              c Simple linear regression                           p = 0.78 (B = 0.011)       p = 0.272 (B = −0.051)
            % Total weight loss
              Overall                   —      —          152      30.91 ± 4.98      125      41.86 ± 7.63
              a Significance                                                                  p < 0.001 (A–C)
              Common channel length  2.5 m  —  —            26     35.98 ± 5.49        23     51.23 ± 6.55
                                  ≥3 m  —      —          126      29.87 ± 4.18      102      39.75 ± 6.13
              b Significance                                       p < 0.001                  p < 0.001
              c Simple linear regression                           p < 0.001 (B = −0.052)     p < 0.001 (B = −0.087)
              c Multiple regression                                p < 0.001 (B = −0.045)     p < 0.001 (B = −0.068)
            a Paired samples t test
            b Independent samples t test
            c Significance when the common channel length was taken as an independent variable

            easy reproducibility, and low complication profile made it the most   addressed malabsorption to some extent. But it was still a concern.
            popular bariatric surgery. But its main drawback is increased risk of   To address this malabsorption issue, later they increased the
            long-term weight regain and recurrence of comorbid conditions.    common channel from 2 to 2.5 m.  Mitzman et al. proposed
            Several of these patients require revision surgery. 12  increasing common channel to >2.5 m in LDS surgeries. They
               Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and its loop variation, one anastomosis   published their experience with 3 m common channels in LDS
            gastric bypass (OAGB), lead to more durable weight loss and   surgeries which showed excellent metabolic outcomes and
            diabetes remission. 13–15  Roux-en-Y gastric bypass has limitations,   reduced risk of malabsorption.  Theoretical benefits of LDS
            such as, inability to monitor remnant stomach endoscopically,   surgeries over BPD-DS include a reduced risk of complications
            increased risk of calcium, and iron deficiencies due to complete   with similar weight loss and health benefits. 5
            duodenal bypass, dumping due to bypass of the pylorus, lack of   Sleeve gastrectomy with loop duodenal switch is a loop
            endoscopic access to the biliary tract, marginal ulcer risk due to   modification of BPD-DS. The advantage of LDS surgery is the scope
            unopposed exposure of the jejunum to gastric juice and internal   of adjusting limb lengths to suit individual requirements. Our results
            hernias due to mesenteric defects.  One anastomosis gastric bypass   showed that SLDS surgery was a very effective surgery to induce
            became more popular because of technical simplicity and an easy   significant weight loss. Moon et al. showed %TWL of 23.1% at 6
            learning curve.  It can address marginal ulcers and internal hernias   months and 37.1% at 12 months after LDS surgeries. The percentage
            to some extent but other problems persist. The risk of calcium and   of excess BMI loss was 41.9% at 6 months and 68.1% at 12 months
            iron deficiencies is relatively more in OAGB.  Even though these   follow-up.  Cottam et al. showed that there was a significant
            complications are outweighed by their advantages, novel surgeries   reduction of BMI from baseline 46.8 ± 5.8 to 29.8 ± 4.4 kg/m  at 1
            to obviate those problems were attempted. 19       year follow-up after LDS surgeries.  Weight-loss response in our
               BPD-DS is the most effective surgery in terms of the durability   patients was similar to the results shown in these studies. Studies
            of weight loss and diabetes remission.  Preservation of the pylorus   have shown similar %TWL after LDS surgeries and BPD-DS. 4,24  In our
            and the first part of the duodenum can address calcium and iron   patients, increasing common channels from 2.5 to ≥3 m, reduced
            deficiencies to some extent but extensive intestinal bypass leaving   efficacy of surgery in terms of weight-loss response but the success
            only 1 m for absorption, increases the risk of severe protein-energy   rate remained unaltered. So, our results showed that the common
            malnutrition, severe nutritional deficiencies, and renal stones. 21  channel can be increased from 2.5 to ≥3 m without altering the
               To reduce malabsorption and simplify the BPD-DS procedure,   efficacy of surgery.
            Sánchez-Pernaute et al. proposed a loop modification of the   Our results indicate that SLDS surgery is a very powerful
            duodenal switch in 2007, by anastomosing the duodenum   metabolic surgery for diabetes remission. Cottam et al. showed
            directly to a loop of ileum 2 m proximal to the ileocecal junction.    diabetes remission of 96.3% at a 1 year follow-up after the single
            Increasing common channel from 1 m in BPD-DS to 2 m in SADI-S   anastomosis duodenal switch (SADS).  Diabetes remission was
            120   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 3 (September–December 2020)
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