Page 53 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 53

Role of OT Table Height on the Task Performance of Minimal Access Surgery

            different height of surgeon. The girth of the patient was kept  D. Uncomfort: When there was complementary increased
            constant during the study as the task was performed on the  abduction of shoulder joint with increased flexion of wrist joint
            endo-trainer.                                      to perform the task.

            Task                                               RESULTS

            The subject had to perform the task of tying the intracorporeal  The results of the level of comfort of OR table during task
            knot. The operating table height was adjusted to six different  performance with respect of the height of the surgeon is shown
            height for a particular surgeon. The monitor was placed in front  in Table 2. The short stature subjects (147 to 151 cm) were
            of the surgeon at a height of 170 cm from floor.   comfortable at 65 cm table height while the tall subjects (178 to
                                                               182 cm) experienced comfort at 90 cm OR table height.
            Subjects                                              The maximum subjects were in the height group 165 to
                                                               170 cm which is the average height of the Indian masses, were
            Consisted of surgeon and laparoscopic trainees. The total  comfortable during their task performance at 80 cm OR table
            numbers of subjects were twenty-five out of which five were  height.
            females and the rest twenty were. They worked mostly with  There was a parallel steady rise in trend (Graph 1). As the
            right hand.
                                                               height of the surgeon increased there was proportionate increase
                                                               in the vertical height of the OR table.
            Operation Table Height (Fig. 3)
            Six different heights of the operating table was adjusted varying
            from 65 to 90 cm.                                  TABLE 2: Subjects height versus table height (comfort level)
                                                                 Subject (surgeon height cm)  Comfort of the level of OR
            Duration of Each Observation
                                                                                           Table height (cm)
            The duration of each observation was for five minutes for each
            height of operating room table. For six different heights of the  147                 65
            table the total observation duration was of 30 minutes for the  150                   65
            task performance with respect to the position of shoulder, elbow  151                 65
            and wrist movements.                                 155                              70
                                                                 156                              70
            Video Analysis                                       160                              75
                                                                 160                              75
            The camera was used to record the position of the shoulder,
            hand arm and wrist joint and videos snaps were taken during  161                      75
            the task performance at different operating table height.  163                        75
                                                                 164                              75
            Questionnaire                                        165                              80
                                                                 165                              80
            The subjects were asked for the particular level of discomfort of
            the operating table height during their task performance.  166                        80
                                                                 167                              80
            Level of comfort (from best to worst) was graded:    167                              80
                                                                 168                              80
            A. Comfortable: When the subject’s upper extremities were in  168                     80
            neutral zone posture.                                170                              80
                                                                 171                              85
            B. Less comfort: When there was minimum deviation from the  172                       85
            above posture (Abduction of shoulder joint and flexion of wrist  173                  85
            joint).                                              174                              85

                                                                 178                              90
            C. Discomfort: When there was increasing abduction of  180                            90
            shoulder joints with increasing flexion of wrist joint to perform
            the task.                                            182                              90

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