Page 58 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2008;1(1):56-59
                                                      Rehana Jabeen Raja
            The Impact of the Learning Curve in

            Laparoscopic Surgery

            Rehana Jabeen Raja
            25, Acacia Drive, Runda, Nairobi, Kenya

            Abstract: TP Wright originally introduced the concept of a learning  point defines where the performance of an individual surgeon
            curve in aircraft manufacturing in 1936.  He described a basic theory  begins. Secondly, the rate of learning measures how quickly
            for costing the repetitive production of airplane assemblies. The term  the surgeon will reach a certain level of performance and thirdly
            was introduced to medicine in the 1980s after the advent of minimal  the asymptote or expert level measures where the surgeons
            access surgery. It also caught the attention of the public and the legal  performance stabilizes. This has implications for the
            profession when a surgeon told a public enquiry in Britain that a high  laparoscopic surgeon—it suggests that practice always help
            death rate was inevitable while surgeons were on a learning curve. 2
            Recently it has been labeled as a dangerous curve  with a morbidity,  improve performance but the most dramatic improvement
            mortality and unproven outcomes. Yet there is no standardization of  happens first. Also with sufficient practice surgeons can achieve
            what the term means. In an endeavor to help laparoscopic surgeons  comparable levels of performance.
            towards evidence based practices this commentary will define and
            describe the learning curve, its drawing followed by a discussion of the  THE DRAWING OF LEARNING CURVES
            factors affecting it, statistical evaluation, effect on randomized controlled  There are a variety of methods of constructing learning curves.
            trials and clinical implications for both practice and training, the  They all assume that successive exposures in a learning series
            limitations and pitfalls, ethical dilemmas and some thoughts to pave  may be plotted on the x-axis, response characteristics on y-axis
            the way ahead.
                                                               and the data points distributed in the xy plane may be legitimately
                                                               connected by a curve. This is the Cartesian Method. More
                                                               recently the Cumulative Sum Method has been applied for the
            For the Wright learning curve, the underlying hypothesis is  construction of these curves for basic skills in anesthetic
            that the direct man-hours necessary to complete a unit of  procedures—the method consists of relatively simple
            production will decrease by a constant percentage each time  calculations that can be easily performed on an electronic
            the production quantity is doubled. In manufacturing, the  spreadsheet. Statistical inferences can be made from observed
            learning curve applies to the time and cost of production. Can a  successes and failures. The method also provides both
            surgeons learning curve be described on similar lines? A simple  numerical and graphical representation of the learning process. 7
            definition would be : the time taken and/or the number of  The multimode learning curve is useful because several
            procedures an average surgeon needs to be able to perform a  factors can be put into one graph. The earlier used method of
            procedure independently with a reasonable outcome. But then  the performance analysis with its on the spot appraisals at
            who is an average surgeon ? Another definition may be that a  certain time intervals has been replaced by continuous
            learning curve is a graphic representation of the relationship  assessment. For continuous data like operation time the Moving
            between experience with a new procedure or technique and an  average method is useful. 9
            outcome variable such as operation time, complication rate,
            hospital stay or mortality. A learning curve may also be  FACTORS AFFECTING LEARNING CURVES
            operationally defined as an improvement in performance over  A complex hierarchy of factors are involved here.  At the bottom
            time. Although learning theorists often disagree about what  factors like guidelines, protocols and standards for clinical
            learning is, they agree that whatever the process is, its effects  governance agreed upon by the medical fraternity are vital.
            are clearly cumulative and may therefore be plotted as a curve.  Next the Institutional policies and cost effectiveness are
            By cumulative it is meant that somehow the effects of experience  contributory. Needless to say the surgical team, the case mix
            carry over to aid later performance. This property is fundamental  and public awareness are relevant. The final level in the hierarchy
            to the construction of learning curves. The improvement tends  that can influence individual learning is the characteristics of
            to be most rapid at first and then tails off. Hence there are three  the surgeon such as attitude, capacity for acquiring new skills
            main features of a learning curve. First, the initial or starting  and previous experience. 10

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