Page 49 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Laparoscopic versus Open Repair of Inguinal Hernia

            with unilateral hernia who desire a minimal period of  CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS
            postoperative disability. 20                       Laparoscopic hernia repair is safe and provide less
               Open hernia repair requires an incision at the point of
            maximum weakness, dividing of muscle and then suturing to  postoperative morbidity in experienced hands and definitely
                                                               has many advantages over open repair. For bilateral and
            repair the defect. This damage must heal before the wound  recurrent inguinal hernias laparoscopic approach is
            become comfortable. Type of anesthetic used to affect the repair  recommended. Nowadays for primary inguinal hernia also it is
            does not affect the period of discomfort. In a laparoscopic repair  recommended. For sliding hernia also TAPP is the preferred
            no incision is made in the groin. The small wounds which are  approach.
            made heal rapidly and have been shown to cause negligible  The final word on hernia will probably never be written.
            postoperative pain. Further mesh is placed inside the groin  In collecting, assimilating and distilling the wisdom of today
            muscle in the preperitoneal layer and this seems a more logical  we must provide a base from which further advances may be
            position to prevent peritoneal contents bulging out of a muscle  made. 21
            defect than placing a mesh on the outside of the defect.
            Laparoscopic repair has no surgical weakness postoperatively.  REFERENCES
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