Page 48 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 48

Snehal Fegade

            anticoagulants, smoking, heavy lifting, malignancy and anemia.  lower minor-complication rates and higher percentage of pain-
            Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair offers excellent results in  free recoveries.
            experienced hands.
                                                               The Shouldice technique is the ‘gold standard’ of open non-
            Up to 30% of patients with a unilateral hernia will subsequently  mesh hernia repair. The 5-year recurrence rate is acceptable,
            develop a further hernia on the contralateral side. Also, when  with no difference between TAPP and Shouldice repair. Poor
            examined at operation, 10-25% is found to have an occult hernia  operative performance resulted in a higher recurrence rate. The
            on the contralateral side. Both laparoscopic approaches allow  TAPP operation represents an excellent alternative for primary
            assessment and treatment of the contralateral side at the same  inguinal hernia repair. Laparoscopic repair compared favorably
            operation without the need for further surgical incisions, very  with Lichtenstein repair for primary indirect and direct hernias,
            little further dissection and minimal additional postoperative  and unilateral and bilateral recurrent hernias, but was inferior
            pain.  In open surgery a further large incision is required in the  for primary bilateral hernias. General anesthesia and higher costs
            opposite groin. This considerably impairs postoperative mobility  are reasonable compromises for a shorter period of discomfort
            and increases the likelihood of admission to hospital. Some  in patients with a low ASA index and busy job/sport activity. 18
            surgeons advocate routine repair of the contralateral side during  With open Lichtenstein hernia repair in terms of
            laparoscopic repair.                               intraoperative and postoperative complications and short-term
                                                               recurrence. In fact with extra care, complications can be nearly
            COST EFFECTIVENESS                                 avoided. The laparoscopic operations caused significantly less
                                                               pain in the early postoperative period, leading to earlier
            It is suggested that laparoscopic hernia repair is more expensive  mobilization and earlier return to work than open mesh repair.
            to perform than open hernia repair. The primary reason for this  This was clearly seen in the manual workers undergoing
            relates to the cost of extra equipment used for the laparoscopic  laparoscopic operation. Furthermore, laparoscopic TEP repair
            repair with secondary costs attributed to perceived increases  is associated with greater patient satisfaction and better
            in operating time for the laparoscopic procedure.  From the  cosmetic results than its open counterpart. On the basis of
            Indian perspective, various factors come into play when  these early experiences, laparoscopic extraperitoneal hernia
            analyzing the cost implications of laparoscopic repair of inguinal  repair seems to be as good as, if not superior to, the existing
            hernia. In most hospitals, except the larger corporate ones, the  open Lichtenstein repair in terms of postoperative pain, hospital
            theater time is charged on a per-case basis rather than by the  stay, return to work, and cosmesis provided the long-term
            hour. Thus, increase in the operating time, particularly during  recurrence rates also are comparable. It is possible to achieve
            the learning curve, does not necessarily mean additional expense  high standards even during the learning phase of the surgeon
            for the patient. If the surgeon were to adopt cost-containment  if there is strict adherence to the protocols. The TEP technique
            strategies such as use of reusable laparoscopic instruments  took no longer to perform, and was associated with less
            (which is more or less the norm in India) as against disposable  postoperative pain, a shorter period of sick leave and a faster
            ones, use of indigenous balloons devices rather than  recovery, compared with open Lichtenstein hernia repair. 19
            commercially available ones, sparing use of fixation devices  TAPP and TEP repairs were compared and found to give
            and reliance on sutures for fixation of the mesh, the cost of the  equally good results. TAPP is an easier procedure to learn and
            laparoscopic hernia repair should be comparable to the open  is less expensive than TEP repair done with balloon dissectors
            repair. It is likely that many surgeons are already practicing  and their ports; however, the reverse is true if no balloon
            these strategies and passing on the benefits of laparoscopic  dissectors and staples are used during TEP repair. TEP repair
            repair to their patients. 17
                                                               has a longer learning curve. 1
                                                                  Laparoscopic hernia repair may not be more expensive than
            LEARNING CURVE
                                                               open repair in terms of direct hospital costs or where a difference
            This period represents the developmental and learning curve  exists, this is relatively small. Societal costs due quicker recovery
            for the consultant and the senior registrars. There have been  and return to employment show clear advantages for the
            some modifications of the technique as difficulties have been  laparoscopic repair and although not currently evaluated in
            recognized. There is steep learning curve for laparoscopic repair.  detail, the reduction in chronic groin pain after laparoscopic
            Initially everyone used to fix mesh with staples, but nowadays  repair is likely to lead to savings in both direct hospital costs
            many surgeons are using sutures for it. As experience increases,  and societal costs.
            our ability to recognize finer structures and to keep within the  At present, the laparoscopic repair of hernias finds its clinical
            correct tissue planes, improves. This has been associated with  niche in patients with bilateral or recurrent hernias or in patients

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