Page 14 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 14

Ganeshselvi Premkumar

            TREATMENT OF ENDOMETRIOSIS                         without enough explanation. In view of cost effectiveness
                                                               between laparoscopy and ART, it was criticized that it needs to
            Endometriosis can be treated medically and surgically by  be considered as an individualized management plan which
            laparoscopy and laparotomy. Medical hormone treatment has  can’t be generalized.
            no role in the treatment of endometriosis associated infertility
            in the absence of pain. This is because any hormonal treatment  A large randomized controlled trial revealed that
            used to suppress endometriosis is contraceptive and does not  laparoscopic ablation of endometriotic implants in minimal to
            improve pregnancy rates.                           mild endometriosis increased the cumulative pregnancy rate
               The treatment of choice will depend on the patient’s age,  with a 95% confidence interval 1.28 to 3.24 and also the on-
            symptoms and previous surgery and fertility requirements. After  going pregnancy more than 20 weeks with 95% confidence
            defining the severity and extent of disease, the choice of  interval 1.18 to 3.22.  The investigators compared laparoscopic
            treatment should be made in conjunction with the patient. This  treatment with no surgical treatment. In contrast an Italian
            should take into account the potential risks and complexity of  study  involving 101 women in 1999 reported no benefit from
            surgery. In the infertile patient particular thought should also  endometriotic ablation in improving pregnancy rate in minimal/
            be given to alternative treatment such as IVF which may offer  mild endometriosis with a 95% confidential interval of 0.31 to
            them a much better chance of conceiving than surgery.  1.88 for pregnancy rate and for live birth was 0.32 to 2.28. But
               Surgical treatment includes laser/diathermy ablation to  the Cochrane Systematic review in 2002  included these two
            endometriotic implant, adhesiolysis, excision of endometriotic  studies and concluded that use of laparoscopic surgery to
            cyst, cyst drainage and/or cyst wall ablation and uterosacral  manage minimal/mild endometriosis associated infertility may
            nerve ablation.                                    improve reproductive outcome with 95% confidence interval of
               The advantages of laparoscopic surgery are quicker recovery  1.05 to 2.57 for ongoing pregnancy and live birth rates.
            time, shorter hospital stay, reduced physical and psychological  A large prospective study by Adamson et al 1993  showed
            stress, effective treatment of ovarian endometriomata and relief  that laparoscopic surgery significantly increases the cumulative
            of pain. At the same time, it may enable a woman to achieve  pregnancy rate. This was later confirmed by a metaanalysis by
            more than one pregnancy, without increasing the risk of multiple  Adamson and Pasta in 1994.  Adamson in 1997,  proposed
            pregnancy associated with assisted conception treatment. The  that surgery for endometriosis-associated infertility is more
            limitation of laparoscopy is the surgical intraoperative risk of  effective for severe than mild endometriosis and ideally should
            injury to adjacent structures, infection and adhesion formation.  be carried out at the time of diagnostic laparoscopy. It has been
            Appropriate surgical skill is required and the availability of  proposed that pregnancy rate depends upon the presence of
            appropriate equipment. There is a 6.3% conversion rate to  tubal adhesions and is unrelated to the stage of endometriosis. 26
            laparotomy associated with gynecological laparoscopy. 14  Laparoscopic treatment therefore is ideal, because it preserves
            Therefore patients should be informed preoperatively about  tissue integrity and reduces denovo adhesion formation.  In
            the chance of conversion to laparotomy depending upon  1980’s, various small studies supported the successful role of
            intraoperative findings. Otherwise laparotomy is indicated only  laparoscopic ablation and or resection of endometriotic lesions
            in cases of severe endometriosis with extensive dense adhesions  in treating both moderate/severe and extensive endometriosis.
            along with deeply infiltrating endometriosis. 15   In a five year follow-up of women after laparoscopic surgery,
               Laparoscopic laser treatment or microsurgery during  Porpora et al 2002  reported a 65% pregnancy rate, with 23% of
            laparotomy increases this rate to 50%.  Few studies reported  women conceiving in the first twelve months. After 12 months,
            that laparoscopic excision of endometrioma before in vitro  the likelihood of conceiving was significantly decreased.
            fertilization (IVF) reduces the risk of worsening endometriosis  Two randomized controlled trials reported that laparoscopic
            during ovarian stimulation, reduces the risk of infection during  ovarian cystectomy for endometriomata results in a better
            oocyte retrieval and allows histological diagnosis avoiding  pregnancy rate than drainage alone. 29,30  When cystectomy for
            occult malignancy. It has therefore been advocated that the  endometrioma is technically difficult, laparoscopic aspiration
            best management of endometriosis-associated infertility should  of cyst and destruction of cyst wall with laser or diathermy is an
            be surgical.  If spontaneous pregnancy does not occur after  acceptable alternative.  The advantage of excision over ablation
            surgery, IVF should be considered.  A study of laparoscopic  is that the cyst can be examined histologically and a diagnosis
            treatment of endometriosis following multiple failed IVF has  of ovarian cancer excluded. There is no advantage of repeating
            shown benefit in improving pregnancy rates in subsequent IVF  surgery within a short interval as this may reduce ovarian
            cycles and spontaneously.  But this study has some limitations  reserve.  A randomized crossover study involving 39 women
            such as retrospective study, inadequate power, poor selection  followed up for 12 months reported reduction of chronic pelvic
            criteria for control and subject group and some women in the  pain and dyspareunia after laparoscopic debulking for
            study had laparoscopic surgery after one cycle of IVF and  rectovaginal endometriosis thereby improving quality of life. 33

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