Page 18 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 18

World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2008;1(1):16-18
                                           Sarvepalli Sudhakar, Balachandran Premkumar
            Laparoscopic Management of

            Undescended Testis

            1 Sarvepalli Sudhakar,  Balachandran Premkumar
            1 General Surgery-registrar,  Consultant General and Laparoscopic Surgeon, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai

            Abstract: A 28-year-old male was identified to have a right sided
            undescended testis, on his master health check-up. Ultrasound
            examination identified the testis to be in the inguinal canal near the
            deep ring. The patient was counseled of the consequences of
            undescended testis in the adult and after obtaining his fully informed
            consent he underwent a laparoscopic right orchidectomy and mesh
               This article highlights the consequences of undescended testis, the
            various modalities of investigation, treatment and also emphasizes on
            the role of laparoscopy in its management.
            Keywords: Undescended testis, cryptorchidism, orchidectomy,

            CASE REPORT

            A young software engineer attended the master health check-
            up as his pre-employment requirement. His clinical examination
            found the absence of the right testicle. He was not aware that
            he had a problem, and mentioned that his condition was present
            from birth. He was completely evaluated and his left testicle
            was found to be normal. An ultrasound examination confirmed
            an empty right scrotum with presence of the right testicle with  Fig. 1: Ultrasound showing testis in right inguinal canal
            ‘altered echotexture’ in the right inguinal canal near the deep
            ring (Fig. 1).
               The patient was counseled and informed consent for surgery  The trocars were placed as follows:
            was obtained. He underwent a laparoscopic right orchidectomy  •  10 mm—umbilical–camera port.
            and mesh repair. During surgery his right iliac nodes were found  •  5 mm—right lumbar–right hand working.
            to be enlarged which were removed and sent for     •  5 mm—left lumbar–left hand working.
            histopathological examination.                        On entry into the peritoneal cavity a thorough inspection
               His postoperative period was uneventful and he was  of all the viscera was done. The peritoneum over the right
            discharged on the first postoperative day. His sutures were  inguinal region was dissected and the spermatic cord was
            removed on the tenth postoperative day.            identified entering into the deep ring. Traction was applied to
               The histopathological findings of the testis were consistent  the cord and the testis was delivered into the peritoneal cavity.
            with cryptorchid testis, while the lymph nodes showed only  The cord was ligated and the testis was cut and extracted
            reactive changes.                                  through an extended umbilical port. A few enlarged lymph nodes
               The patient was advised to carry on routine activities and  were found along the right iliac vessels which were removed
            have an abdominal ultrasound once a year as follow-up.  and sent for histopathology. As the right inguinal canal was
                                                               empty a mesh repair using prolene mesh was done and anchored
                                                               with tackers. The peritoneum was closed over the mesh using
            Under general anesthesia, the patient was placed in the supine  tackers. Pneumoperitoneum was reduced and the ports were
            position. The theatre set-up was as shown in the Figure 2.  closed with 1’ Vicryl; and 3’0 Monocryl.

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