Page 16 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 16

Ganeshselvi Premkumar


             Author        Sample Classification  Selection criteria  Intervention  Follow-up     Outcome
                           size                                                         PR    LBR   MR     ER
             Jones and Sutton  39  rAFS      Moderate/severe endo Lap KTP laser,  12  months  39.5%
             2002                            endometrioma    Diathermy
                                             (2-25 cm)
             Porpora et al  47    rAFS       Adnexal adhesion  Lap excise, Ablate  12-60 months  64.4%
             2002                            Tubal status    adhesiolysis
             Elsheikh et al  151  rAFS       Endometriosis   Laparoscopy,   2 year      53%
             2003                                            No or medical treat
             Vercellini et al     rAFS       Endometrioma    Lap cautery or laser Variable  24-60%
             2003                                            Lap cystectomy
             Alborzi et al  100   rAFS       Endometrioma    Lap excision   12  months  59.4%
             2004                            > 3 cm          Lap fenestration           23.3%
                                                             and coagulation
                                                             of wall
             Godinjak et al  45   rAFS       Endometrioma    Lap  cystectomy  1 year    35%
             PR—Pregnancy rate, LBR—Live birth rate, MR—Miscarriage rate, ER—Ectopic pregnancy rate (number): Number of cases in relation to sample
             size, rAFS—Revised American Fertility Society

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                                                                 9. Acosta AA, Buttram VC, Besch PK, Malinak LR, et al. A
            ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                         proposed classification of endometriosis. Obstet Gynecol
            My sincere thanks to Dr Caroline Overton and Dr Valentine  10. Schenken RS, Guzick DS. Revised American Fertility Society
            Akande for their support.                               Classification- 1996. Fertility and Sterility 1997;67(5):815-16.
                                                                11. Roberts CP, Rock JA. The current staging system for
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