Page 19 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 19

Laparoscopic Management of Undescended Testis

                                                               CONSEQUENCES OF UNDESCENDED TESTIS

                                                               Testicular neoplasm, subfertility, testicular torsion and inguinal
                                                               hernia are the known and documented consequences.  Of the
                                                               neoplasms, testicular germ cell cancers are usually seen. The
                                                               incidence among men with an undescended testicle is
                                                               approximately one in 1,000 to one in 2,500. 7
                                                                  Such individuals are found to have lower sperm counts,
                                                               poorer quality sperm and lower fertility rates than men whose
                                                               testicles descended normally. The likelihood of subfertility
                                                               increases with bilateral involvement and increasing age at the
                                                               time of orchiopexy.
                                                                  The incidence of testicular torsion is thought to be higher
                                                               in undescended testes than in normal scrotal testes. Torsion of
                       Fig. 2: Setup in the operation theatre  an undescended testicle often occurs with the development of
                                                               a testicular tumor, presumably caused by increased weight and
                                                               distortion of the normal dimensions of the organ. Torsion of an
            Most undescended testicles are present at birth. True  intra-abdominal testicle may present as an acute abdomen. 10
            undescended testicles rarely descend spontaneously after three  Most true cases of undescended testicles are associated
            months of age. Through surgical examination, about one half of  with a patent processus vaginalis. A man with an untreated,
            nonpalpable testes are found to be intra-abdominal, while the  undescended testicle and an occult inguinal hernia may present
            rest represent absent (vanishing) or atrophic testes. The  at any time with symptoms and complications typical of any
            vanishing testicle is thought to be caused by intrauterine  inguinal hernia. 7
            testicular torsion. 11
               Underlying reasons for cryptorchidism, such as Prader-Willi,  HORMONAL THERAPY
            Kallmann’s or Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndromes should be  Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is used and is adminis-
            looked for in these patients. The genitalia should be examined  tered intramuscularly. However, the likelihood of success is
            for evidence of hypospadias or ambiguity. Concurrence of  greatest in the most distal true undescended testicles. In theory,
            hypospadias and undescended testis is commonly associated  an ectopic testis should not respond to hormone therapy
            with states of intersexuality,  especially mixed gonadal  because it is physically prevented from descending. A high
            dysgenesis and true hermaphroditism. 10            undescended testis is unlikely to descend completely; if it does,
               Treatment for the undescended testis is recommended as  it will probably ascend after the hormone stimulation is
            early as six months of age and should be completed before age  withdrawn. Some side effects of hCG administration can be
            two.  Orchidopexy should be done either as a single or multi  disturbing for parents. These include enlargement of the penis,
            staged procedure, and the testis should be brought down into  pubic hair growth, increased testicular size and aggressive
            the scrotum. In adults orchidopexy and scrotal placement of  behavior during administration. Studies suggest that
            the testis gives cosmetic satisfaction to the patient and also  gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is more effective than
            maintains steroid hormonogenesis. However, the patient should  HCG in achieving testicular descent. 8
            be counseled on the importance of repeated self examination as
            the incidence of malignancy in these testicles is higher. If one  ROLE OF LAPAROSCOPY
            testis is normal and functioning well the option of orchidectomy  It is diagnostic and potentially therapeutic.  Initially, it is
            can be given to the patient to avoid the problem of these  important to determine whether a testis exists. If the absence of
            examinations.                                      a testis is surgically confirmed by identifying blind-ending
                                                               testicular vessels, the surgery should be terminated. Sometimes,
            CLASSIFICATION OF UNDESCENDED TESTIS               the testicular vessels are traced to an abdominal, inguinal or
            1. True undescended testicles (including intra-abdominal,  scrotal testicular remnant, which is then removed. In about one
               peeping at the internal ring and canalicular testes), which  half of cases, an intra-abdominal testis is found which is either
               exist along the normal path of descent and have a normally  brought to the scrotum or removed. 12
               inserted gubernaculum.                             After performing a diagnostic laparoscopy, the inguinal
            2. Ectopic testicles, which have an abnormal gubernacular  rings are examined, and the status of the processus vaginalis
               insertion.                                      (patent or non-patent), wolffian structures and testicular vessels
            3. Retractile testicles, which are not truly undescended.  can be easily identified.  The presence of blind-ending spermatic
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