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The Role of Laparoscopic Surgery in the Surgical Treatment of HIV Patients

            of postoperative complications during open surgeries was 25%  The disadvantages of laparoscopy include the expensive
            as compared to laparoscopic surgeries. 2,4,10,26-28  Also  equipment involved in performing it. Not all hospitals may be
            respiratory complication rate is also to the higher side as  able to afford certain procedures.
            compared to laparoscopic surgeries, 2,6,9-12,25,29  this is due to  Another issue is the need for surgeons to take special
            most of the patients are suffering from pulmonary TB, also due  training in performing the minimally invasive operations. The
            to poor built and weakness the ambulation is problem as  need for additional training is because laparoscopic surgeons
            compared to laparoscopy surgery maintains interior milieu. 7,30,31  leave the familiar territory of a three-dimensional operating field
               The blood loss during major surgeries was ranged from  to working on a two-dimensional flat video display. Learning
            30 to 300 ml; it is very much towards higher side as compared to  the procedures requires some degree of practice moving the
            literatures on laparoscopic surgery. 6,13,18  This is because  long laparoscopic instruments while handling delicate tissues.
            laparoscopy is an electrosurgery and there is minimal tissue  Finally, laparoscopy cannot always be performed on
            dissection and trauma.  Postoperative analgesics requirements  everyone. For example, some patients with many prior
            were higher side as compared to laparoscopic surgery. The  operations may have so much scar tissue within the body that
            incidence of needle prick injuries during open surgery was found  a safe laparoscopic operation cannot be done.
            to be 7.6% is quite a higher than comparative to the standard  Thus, in modern era of minimal access surgery laparoscopy
            rate, i.e. 0.3 %.  The results of laparoscopic surgeries shown  is an asset to the HIV patients by reducing mobility and
            negligible risk of occupational transmission. This is because in  increasing their life expectancy.
            laparoscopy there is no direct exposure to the blood and
            secretions, also suturing is done via small wound, also no much  REFERENCES
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