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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2008;1(2):23-26
                         Hysterosalpingography, Laparoscopy or Both in the Diagnosis of Tubal Disease in Infertility
            Hysterosalpingography, Laparoscopy or Both in

            the Diagnosis of Tubal Disease in Infertility

            1 Gokhan Goynumer,  Gamze Yetim,  Oznur Gokcen,  Isin Karaaslan,  Lale Wetherilt,  Birol Durukan
            Goztepe Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

            Abstract                                              Since morphological abnormalities of the Fallopian tubes
            Objectives: To evaluate and compare the diagnostic value of  can be visualized directly under laparoscopy, it is generally
            hysterosalpingography (HSG) with laparoscopy in the assessment of  accepted as the gold standard in diagnosing tubal pathology
            fallopian tube patency in infertile women.
                                                               and other intra-abdominal causes of infertility. Diagnostic
            Design: A comparative prospective cross-sectional study.  laparoscopy has become the standard procedure in the infertility
            Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Goztepe  work up in many clinics as the final test to be performed before
            Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.  the couple is referred to infertility treatment. This diagnostic
                                                               scenario concerns couples eligible for intrauterine insemination
            Materials and Method: Laparoscopy was performed in 100 infertile  (IUI), i.e. unexplained infertility, male subfertility and cervical
            patients with either unexplained infertility or tubal factors indicated
            by hysterosalpingography. Regarding laparoscopy as the reference  hostility. Laparoscopy is not usually performed in patients who
            standard, tubal patency findings in histerosalpingography were  are already planned for assisted reproductive technology. In
            compared with laparoscopic findings.               such patients, assessment of the tubes and other intra-abdominal
                                                               pathologies is of less concern except in the presence of
            Results: The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative                          5
            predictive value of HSG in detecting tubal patency were 0.80, 0.75,  hydrosalphinges which can be diagnosed by ultrasonography.
            0.91 ( 95 % CI 0.82-0.96), and 0.55 ( 95 % CI 0.38-0.70), respectively.  Meta-analyses of 20 studies on basic infertility investigations
            The false- negative and false-positive rates of HSG in detecting tubal  carried out in 4000 infertile women were reviewed to determine
            patency were 15 % and 6 %, respectively. Adnexial adhesions, ovarian  the accuracy of hysterosalpingography (HSG) in the
            cysts and pelvic endometriosis were detected in 27% of cases with  demonstration of tubal patency, with the idea that tubal
            normal HSG’s. Of the twelve cases of bilaterally occluded tubes  obstruction is a reliable finding of HSG that does not have to be
            detected by HSG, only 3 (25%) were confirmed to have bilateral  confirmed by laparoscopy; however, normal hysterosalpingo-
            occlusion during laparoscopy.
                                                               graphic findings are not sufficient enough to exclude tubal
            Conclusion: Because HSG has a limited value for accurately identifying  pathologies with peritoneal factors.  Nevertheless, Fatum et al
            tubal patency, laparoscopy is necessary to rule out the existence of  stated that couples with unexplained infertility should be treated
            peritubal adhesions and mild and moderate endometriosis.
                                                               with IUI without preceding diagnostic laparoscopy, and if
                                                               unsuccessful, they should be referred directly to IVF. 7
                                                                  The relative merits of HSG and laparoscopy in the screening
            Hysterosalpingography (HSG), laparoscopy or both can be  for tubal pathologies have been a matter of discussion for more
            applied to demonstrate tubal patency. Owing to its noninvasive  than 30 years. We designed a study to compare the diagnostic
            nature and low cost, hysterosalpingography (HSG) is widely  value of hysterosalpingography (HSG) with laparoscopy in the
            used as a first-line approach to assess the patency of the  assessment of fallopian tube patency in infertile women.
            Fallopian tubes and uterine anomalies in the routine fertility
            workup.  However, even when tubal patency is demonstrated  Materials and Methods
            by HSG, laparoscopy has been suggested as a mandatory step
            to rule out the existence of peritubal adhesions as well as  Hundred patients admitted to the Infertility Department of
            endometriosis and peritubal adhesions.  Some authors have  Goztepe Education and Research Hospital between March 2008
            suggested laparoscopy after hysterosalpingography for pelvic  and July 2008 were included in this cross-sectional study. The
            pathologies which could be missed with HSG. 3,4    informed consents of all the patients were obtained and the

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