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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2008;1(2):20-22
                                                     Monique Directo Javier
            Role of Mechanical Dilatation of Cervix

            in Hysteroscopy

            Monique Directo Javier
            Diplomate of Philippines Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, Cebu, Philippines

            Abstract                                           2.7-5 mm; rigid hysteroscopes, from 1-5 mm; and operative
            Background: Hysteroscopy with sample of the tissue is the gold  hysteroscopes can be as large as 8-10 mm.  The diameters of
            standard in the diagnosing of abnormal uterine bleeding. Operative  the telescope prerequisite the dilatation of the cervix to 10-
            hysteroscopy can then be performed as a therapeutic procedure in  11mm prior to insertion of the instrument. Ideally, hysteroscopy
            patients presenting with intrauterine abnormalities. Cervical dilatation  is performed with minimal or no cervical dilation.  But this may
            poses a great challenge particularly in nulligravid, post-menopausal  not always be possible because the common complications
            women and women with cervical stenosis. Difficulties encountered in  encountered during the procedure are reported mainly to be
            dilating the cervix poses threat to complications such as cervical tears,
            creation of false track, hemorrhage and uterine perforation.  related to the difficulty in entering the internal cervical os with
                                                               the telescope especially in nulliparous and postmenopausal
            Objective: The aim of this study is to review the role of mechanical  women. Complications reported are cervical tears, creation of
            dilatation in hysteroscopy using oral and vaginal misoprostol and  false passages, and uterine perforation.  Prevention of cervical
                                                               injury and uterine perforation during termination of pregnancy
            Methods: This study involves a retrospective analytical review and  has been demonstrated by pre-operative cervical ripening 5,6
            compares the role of oral and vaginal misoprostol and laminaria  and may be achieved either mechanically, such as with osmotic
            application in achieving cervical ripening before hysteroscopy. Its  dilators,  or biochemically with prostaglandins.  Misoprostol
            effects in cervical dilatation as well as the dosing, advantages and side-  is a prostaglandin E1 analogue which is commonly used in
            effects were also reviewed. There were twenty articles included in this  obstetrics for induction of abortion and labor as well as
            study as extracted from electronic databases Cochrane Library,  postpartum to control bleeding (Bugaho et al., 1994). Misoprostol
            Medscape, Highwire Press and Google. Most of the articles assessed  applied before hysteroscopy has reduced the need for cervical
            the cervical diameter by the largest number of Hegar dilators that could
            be inserted into the cervix without resistance. Subjective assessments  dilatation, facilitated hysteroscopic surgery and minimized
            of adverse effects and complications were recorded.  cervical complications (Preutthipan and Herabutya, 1999). On
                                                               the other hand, laminaria tents, made from the stems of Laminaria
            Conclusion: Methods of cervical priming before hysteroscopy lessens  japomica (brown seaweed), are attractive natural substances
            the need of further cervical dilation pre-operatively, lessens the  that can cause cervical dilatation with minimal and no systemic
            complications associated with the entry of the hysteroscope into the
            cervical os and offered acceptable side effects.   side effects. They have been shown to be effective in inducing
                                                               cervical priming prior to operative hysteroscopy (Ostrzenski,
                                                               1994). The aim of this work is to review several studies of the
                                                               role of cervical dilatation in hysteroscopy.
            Recent advances in fiberoptics, light sources, high resolution
            lenses, and endoscopic surgical instrumentation made  Methods
            hysteroscopy an important diagnostic tool as well as therapeutic  There were 19 reported randomized controlled trials that
            tool for patients presenting with intrauterine diseases.  evaluated the efficacy of misoprostol on cervical ripening in
            Hysteroscopy permits direct visualization of the uterine cavity  gynecologic patients, after searching medical literature
            thus making it the gold standard in diagnosing abnormal uterine  databases including Cochrane Library, Medscape, High wire
            bleeding. Operative hysteroscopy as well has gained popularity  Press and Google. One article evaluated the efficacy of laminaria
            as a minimally invasive approach to intrauterine lesions (Siegler  tents. The search terms used included “mechanical cervical
            and Valle, 1988). However, a systematic review of diagnostic  dilation”, “cervical ripening” and “hysteroscopy.” References
            hysteroscopy in more than 26,000 women reported a failure rate  from identified publications were manually searched and cross-
            of 4.2% for ambulatory hysteroscopy and 3.4% for in-patient  referenced to identify additional relevant articles. The studies
            procedures. Failed procedures were mainly attributed to  have shown different cervical responses and outcomes. 9-28
            technical problems, including cervical stenosis, anatomic and  Most of the studies compared the effect of misoprostol against
            structural abnormalities and pain and intolerance.  Flexible  placebo on different groups of women, such a nulliparous women
            hysteroscopes used in this procedure range in diameter from  and postmenopausal women. Patients received misoprostol
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