Page 36 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 36

VD Gohil et al
               treated accordingly as mentioned above. Hence the rate of  NBM and bed rest to recover from stress of abdominal open
               failure of laparoscopy and conversion to open laparotomy  surgery.
               in our study is 4%. In Pascal et al study rate of conversion  As in trauma surgery more effects toward organ preservation
               to open laparotomy was 18.8%. 19                should also be made in elective/emergency laparoscopy in

            xiv.Postoperative management :                     patient with BTA. It is found that laparoscopic partial
              • Most of the patients  kept NBM for only day 1 and started  Splenectomy or same for liver lobectomy or segmentectomy is
                liquids orally on 2 days. Only 4 patients kept NBM (2 for  a safe method and readily mastered. If the blood vessels are
                3rd POD and 2 for 4th POD) and made oral on 4th and 5th  dissected carefully and in accordance with anatomical principle,
                POD respectively. Almost 80% of patients  made mobile  hemisplenectomy or liver resection can be done very quickly
                on 3rd POD with or without drain in situ which helpful in  and with less blood loss than with open surgery. 21,9
                early recovery which is main advantage of patients treated  With the improvement of laparoscopic techniques and
                laparoscopically. In study by Pascal Fabian et al  patients  instrumentation more blunt injuries can probably be managed
                made mobile on average 4th + 1 POD. Drain removal done  laparoscopically with all the benefits observed with the shift
                approximately in 50% cases on 3rd POD, 36% cases on 4th  from open to laparoscopic procedure, and it is likely that
                POD. Most of the patients were discharge between 4th to  laparoscopy will find its place as an integral part of evaluating
                8th days. Mostly are on 7th day. Stitches are removed in  and treating patients with blunt abdominal injury.
                80% of patients  in 7th POD while in others stitches
                removed in follow up. Other study like YB Chol et al 14  CONCLUSION
                mentioned mean hospital stay of 9.8 days while Pascal-
                Fabian et al has mentioned 4 days of hospital stay. 19  1. Blunt injuries becoming more common than before with RTA
            xv. Complication: Apparently there is no any complication  are highest, Over all liver and spleen are commonly injured
               found related to laparoscopic procedure in present series.  solid organ, Solid organs and hollow viscera at points of
               There was a one patient having persistent low SPO  level  fixation are more injured in blunt abdominal injuries. Serious
               even with continuous O  inhalation (6 to 8 lit. per minute)  intra-abdominal injuries can occur from minor trauma.
               which was postanesthetic complication hence not calculated  2. Highest incidence is seen in males in 2nd and 3rd decade of
               in presence study. Patients referred to higher center for  life.
               further management. In YB Chol et al series the complication  3. Associated injury delay and mask the symptoms of blunt
               had occurred only in three cases (Wound infection -1,  abdominal trauma.
               Paralytic ileus-1, Atelectasis -1). 14           4. Ultrasound examination plays a key role in diagnostic

            xvi. Mortality and missed injury:In present study as such there  armamentarium in our institute. Diagnostic Peritoneal
               is no any morbidity and mortality. There is no any missed  aspiration is used less in our institute. CT scan is optional
                                                                  at secondary center, in developing country like India, CT
               injury also found. This all findings are comparable to other  scan facility is available near by trauma center. When CT
               two studies (YB Chol et al and Timothy C Fabian et al). So  scan is out side the hospital premises say in tertiary center
               laparoscopy is quite safe and effective method. 14,15  of the developing county like India, It is dangerous to shift
               The role of laparoscopy in diagnosis and management of
            BTA is a topic of much debate. In this present series we have  the patient having blunt abdominal injuries with
                                                                  hemoperitoneum for CT scan Abdomen. In developing
            reported 25 cases of BTA in which laparoscopy were used as a  country the portable ultrasonography machine play a major
            therapeutic tool in the management of BTA with        role in management of BTA.
            hemoperitoneum. In patient with spleen or liver injury, though  5. Conservative line of management for visceral trauma is to
            we have CT scan or USG report, we are more comfortable only  be considered whenever possible.
            after seeing the organ injury by naked eye and knowing the  6. Laparoscopy is newly emerging diagnostic as well as
            amount of hemoperitoneum. The other main advantage of  therapeutic modality in management of blunt abdominal
            laparoscopy is significantly reduced hospital stay. Patients with  injury which is getting acceptance world wide, subjective
            laparoscopy have very small incision with less surgical  to availability of equipments and skilled team.
            manipulation with early mobilization from very 3rd day in out  7. Laparoscopy provides early oral intake and early
            study. Allow the patient to sent at home early as compared to  mobilization of the patient which help in fast recovery and
            patients who had undergone laparotomy, Hence it is helpful in  early resumption of work.
            terms cost effectiveness and early resumption of work.  8. Laparoscopy significantly reduces the number of negative
            Laparoscopy provide patient early mobilization, oral intake  laparotomies. Practically zero percent chances of negative
            hence patient had good nutrition with less chance of  laparotomy when patient subjected to laparoscopy.
            complication to develop because of prolonged bedridden  9. In selected cases laparoscopic repair (e.g. Bowel perforation,
            condition in patient of laparotomy who need at least 5 day’s  Bladder rupture) can also avoid laparotomy.

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