Page 40 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 40

Pierre C Lucien Charley Trevant

            (Mintz, 1987) to allow a dorsal decubitus position, and the  fertiloscopy was derived, provides the opportunity to demons-

            procedure of transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy (THL) was  trate fine periovarian and peritubal adhesions, which are not

            described  with abdominal distension with saline and  easily detected using transabdominal laparoscopy (Table 5).

            exploitation of the newly developed smaller endoscopes  This statement could be interpreted to mean that laparoscopy
            (Tables 2 and 3). The patients were placed in the dorsolithotomy  should no longer be considered as a ‘gold standard’.

            position. Following disinfection, a Foley catheter number 8was  As a result of these suggestions, it was felt appropriate to
            introduced into the bladder and another catheter was introduced  review whether laparoscopy should remain the primary

            into the uterus. The posterior lip of the cervix was graspedby a  diagnostic endoscopic procedure in the routine surgical

            tenaculum in order to expose the posterior fornix. Theinsertion  assessment of women pelvic.

            of the Veress needle was facilitated by a stab incision in the

            posterior fornix, 1.5 cm below the cervix. A 3 mm blunt trocar  Table 2:  Successful evaluation of the pelvis and its structures by
            was introduced into the posterior fornix. A 2.7 mm diameter  transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy (THL) versus standard laparoscopy 2
            semirigid endoscope was used, with an optical angle of 30°.

            Normal saline solution (250 ml) was instilled into the pouchof  Characteristics  Laparoscopy (n = 54)  THL (n = 54)
            Douglas under gravity. Illumination was provided by a high-  Pouch of Douglas  54 (100)  54 (100)

            intensity cold-light source (250 W) via a fiber-optic lead. The  Posterior wall of the  54 (100)  54/54 (100)

            images were viewed on a high-resolution color monitor.  uterus and USL

            Examination started at the posterior wall of the uterus, and by  Tubes and fimbriae  108 (100)  94/108 (87.0)

            rotation and deeper insertion of the endoscope, the tubes and  Ovaries  108 (100)        97/108 (89.8)
                                                                Ovarian fossae
                                                                                                     72/108 (66.7)
                                                                                   108 (100)

            the ovaries were evaluated.

               Evaluation by THL was defined as complete whenthe pouch  USL = Uterosacral ligament.

            of Douglas, the posterior wall of the uterus, the uterosacral  Values in parentheses are percentages.

            ligaments (USL), the tubes and the fimbriae, the ovaries from
            all sides and fossae were all visible (Table 4). After examination  Table 3: Tubal findings by transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy (THL)
                                                                             versus standard laparoscopy
            of the whole pelvic cavity, tubal patency was evaluated using
            dye injection through the uterine catheter. At the end of the  Characteristics  Laparoscopy (n = 54)  THL (n = 54)
            examination the instruments were removed and the posterior  Normal     40/54             41/54

            fornixwas sutured using 3/0 absorbable suture. All procedures  Abnormal (%)  14/54 (25.9)  13/14 (92.9)

            were followed by hysteroscopy to evaluate the uterine cavity.  Proximal obstruction
               The patient is fully conscious. She can follow the procedure  • Unilateral  2/54      2/2
            on the video screen as it is explained to her and her partner.  • Bilateral  1/54        1/1
            The transvaginal access with hydrofloatation has the advantage  Tubal phimosis
            of exposing the tubo-ovarian structures in their natural  • Unilateral  3/54             3/3
            position.                                           • Bilateral        2/54              2/2
               The more global concept of fertiloscopy (which includes  Hydrosalpinx

            THL as well as salpingoscopy, microsalpingoscopy and  • Unilateral     6/54              5/6

            hysteroscopy) was introduced in 1998. 12,14  An examinationof  • Bilateral  0/54         0
            the cul-de-sac (pouch of Douglas) in which the ovaries and  Table 4:  Evaluation of the endometriosis by transvaginal
            their relation to the fimbriae of the fallopian tubes are easily  hydrolaparoscopy (THL) versus standard laparoscopy. Most

            visualized, was the primary purpose of the investigation, asthis  patients had endometriosis lesions in more than one location 2

            is where the major event in reproduction, oocyte retrieval by  Characteristics  Laparoscopy (n = 54)  THL (n = 54)
            the fimbria, occurs. 7,13
               Consequently, fertiloscopy was proposed as an alternative  Normal   43/54             48/54

            todiagnostic laparoscopy as the primary endoscopic procedure  Abnormal (%)  11/54 (20.4)  6/11 (54.6)
                                                                Posterior wall of uterus

            in the routine assessment of an infertile woman. 12,14  Laparo-  and/or USL

            scopy is currently considered to be the ‘goldstandard’ of pelvic  Pouch of Douglas  1/54  1/1

            endoscopic procedures as it provides not only a panoramic  Ovarian fossa

            view of the pelvic and abdominal cavities but also the  • Unilateral   4/54              1/4

            opportunity to perform extensive surgery. Morerecently, it was  • Bilateral  1/54        0/1

            emphasized  that transvaginalhydrolaparoscopy, from which
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