Page 41 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 41

Role of NOTES in the Diagnosis of Women Pelvic Pathologies

            Contd...                                           retrieval procedures carry a risk of infection, which is estimated
                                                               at 0.4%, whether or not vaginal disinfection is performed (Dicker
            Characteristics    Laparoscopy (n = 54)  THL (n = 54)
                                                               et al, 1993; Roest et al, 1996). Culdocentesis in developing
            Ovarian surface                                    countries is accepted as a safe procedure for the diagnosis of
            • Unilateral            4/54            1/4        ectopic pregnancies (Falfoul et al, 1991). Bowel perforation is a
            • Bilateral             2/54            0/2        risk, but the perforation is usually extraperitoneal and if caused
            Endometrioma                                       by a small diameter instrument can be managed expectantly. 10,11
            • Unilateral            2/54            0/2
            • Bilateral             0               0
            USL = Uterosacral ligament.
                                                               The main advantage of THL is the ability to perform the

            Table 5: Evaluation of the adhesions by transvaginal by hydro-  procedure on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia, as was
            laparoscopy (THL) versus standard laparoscopy. Most patients  reported previously.  When local anesthesia is used, the

            had adhesions in more than one location 2

                                                               procedure is associated with minimal discomfort and is well
            Location of adhesions  Laparoscopy (n = 54)  THL (n = 54)  accepted and tolerated by the patients. Another important

            Normal                33/54             38/54      advantage of the THL by local anesthesia is that the patientcan

            Abnormal (%)          15/54 (27.8)      10/15 (66.7)  follow the procedure on the video screen, and this allows it to
            Pouch of Douglas      8/54              8/8        be explained to her and her partner.
            Periovarian                                           THL is a safe and reproducible method. Retroverted uterus

            • Unilateral          3/54              1/3        should be considered as a relative contraindication to THL.

            • Bilateral           4/54              1/4        When a complete evaluation by THL isavailable, it is a highly

            Ovarian fossa                                      accurate technique in comparison with the laparoscopy.

            • Unilateral          5/54              1/3           Theseresults confirm fertiloscopy as a minimally invasive

            • Bilateral           6/54              1/6        safe procedure that may be considered as an alternative to

            Peritubular                                        diagnostic laparoscopy in the routine assessment of women

            • Unilateral          7/54              4/7        without clinical or ultrasound evidence of pelvic disease. On

            • Bilateral           3/54              1/3        the basis of the additional advantages of fertiloscopy, namely

            Other locations       7/54              2/7        salpingoscopy or microsalpingoscopy, it is considered that

                                                               fertiloscopy could replace laparoscopy as a routine procedure
            DISCUSSION                                         in such women.
                                                                  Additional advantages of THL include the ability to perform
                                                               concurrent procedures such as conscious pelvic pain mapping.
            THL has limitations when compared with laparoscopy. First,  The appendix can also be explored for pathology and pain

            theview is limited to the posterior part of the true pelvis. Second,  reaction. The abdominal wall can be inspected and transvaginal
            most gynecologists are more familiar with the panoramic view  endoscopy has been suggested for safe abdominal entry in
            of the pelvis and its organs as seen at laparoscopy. Third,  standard laparoscopy when bowel adhesions are suspected
            without manipulating the adnexa not all the pathologies are  (van Lith et al, 1979). Even the upper abdominal wall including

            seen. Furthermore, the range of interventions that can be  the liver can be inspected via the transvaginal route if the patient

            performed is limited in comparisonto laparoscopy. The current  is anesthetized. For these reasons the transvaginal approach

            practice in most centers is to treat pathologies such as  has been termed laparoscopy rather than Culdoscopy.

            endometriotic lesions, or adhesions, surgically,whenever seen

            during laparoscopy. This cannot yet be performed by THL.  CONCLUSION

            However, using this method will allow a more criticalselection
            of patients likely to benefit from laparoscopy.    Laparoscopy is an invaluable diagnostic tool especially for
               Transvaginal access may fail to diagnose endometriosis of  symptomatic patients. Apart from establishing a definitive
            the vesicouterine fold, but endometriosis is found exclusively  diagnosis, laparoscopy has been found to be a safe procedure,
            in the anterior compartment in only, 4% of cases, when it is  and one of considerable cost effectiveness in terms of hospital
            usually associated with a severely anteflexed uterus.   Nonobs-  stay. The safety of transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy is founded
            tructive proximal tubal lesions may also be missed, but in any  on the use of local anesthesia, transvaginal access, Veress needle
            case surgical or medical therapy is not indicated if the tubes are  technique, peritoneal distension by warm saline and small
            patent.                                            diameter optical system. The transvaginal approach therefore
               Other procedures have shown that the transvaginal access  merits to be revisited as a new, safe technique of diagnostic
            carries a low risk of complications.  Transvaginal ovum  laparoscopy with better patient health condition.
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