Page 34 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 34

VD Gohil et al
            ii. Sex distribution ratio (Table 1): 14,15           which make them susceptible to road traffic accident. Blunt
               Thus in our study male patients are more then female patients  abdominal injury due to fall down is second leading cause.
               who are comparable to others study. This may be due to  v. Incidence and pattern of organ injury (Table 4): Liver
               involvement of male mainly into traveling, alcohol abuse,  injury is most commonly seen injury in BTA in this present
               earning.                                           series followed by spleen. In Nance and Cohn’s series and
                                                                  in Town send and colleagues series  spleen is commonly
                          Table 1: Sex distribution ratio         involved. Pattern of organ injury and no. of patients are
            Sr. Series                  No. of cases   Total      different due to different countries, different mode of injuries
            no.                         (% of total cases)        in India as compared to western countries.
                                        Male   Female
            1   Timothy-C Fabian et al(1992) 15  149  33  182          Table 4: Incidence and pattern of organ injury
                                        (82%)  (18%)   (100%)
                                                       Organ injured   Michael  Town     Present
            2   YB Chol et al(2002) 14  49     29      78            in BTA            lenience  send and  series
                                                                                       series (%) colleagues (%)
                                        (63%)  (37%)   (100%)
                                                                                                series (%)
            3   Present study(2006)     19     06      25       1    Liver             15(15%)  8(47%)   14(56%)
                                        (76%)  (24%)   (100%)   2    Spleen            27(27%)  7(41%)   06(24%)
                                                                3    Kidney            27 (27%)  0       0
            iii. Age distribution (Table 2): 14,15              4 5  Small bowel       06       2(2%)    02(8%)
               In our study the most common age group involved is 11-20  6  Colon      02       0        0
               years and 21-30 years age group. The median age group in  7  Pancreas/duodenum  05  0     0
               our study is 23 years. The median age group in YB Chol  8  Others (e.g. retro-  17  0     03(12%)
               et al series is 40.9 years and in Timothy C Fabian et al  peritoneal bladder
               series  is 32 years. This higher incidence in this particular  injury, no injury)
               young age group is mainly because of economic status,  vi. Mode of management (Table 5): 19,20  In this present series
               high mobility and increased in utilization of vehicles by this  a laparoscopy used as a diagnostics well as therapeutic
               young age groups and exposure to bed environment and  tool for patients with blunt trauma abdominal (BTA). Here
               alcohol abuse and early involvement in earning, etc  25 cases studied out of which only 1 converted to
               particularly in India.                             exploratory laparotomy.
                                                                             Table 5: Mode of management
                           Table 2: Age distribution
                                                                Sr. Series             Laparoscopy    Laparo- Total
            Sr. no.   Age (yrs)    No. of patients  Total       no.                                   tomy
            1         0-10 years        03           12%                          Non-   Operative Total
            2         11-20 years       08           32%                          operative
                                                                1   Pascal Fabian  06       20    26   6(19%)  32
            3         21-30 years       09           36%
                                                                    et al (2002)
            4         31-40 years       05           20%        2   Sarmiento     20        03    23   2(34%)  35
                                                                    et al (2003)
            iv. Mode of injury (Table 3):                       3   Present study  22       02     24  1(4%)  25
               In present study it shows that the blunt trauma abdomen is  •  All patients were undergone emergency diagnostic
               mainly due to road traffic accidents (68%) nearer to 2/3 of  laparoscopy, out of which 22 had either liver or splenic
               total cases which is same as in Jason Smith et al series. 18  injury in the form of contusion, laceration or tear with
               This may be due to increased transportation and mobilization  no active bleeding from the sight of injury with non
               of people from here to there mainly through the vehicles  expanding hematoma in surrounding. All these cases

                                         Table 3: Mode of injury resulting in blunt trauma abdomen
               Sr. no.  Series                             No. of cases (% of total case)                Total
                                                  RTA           Fall from    Assaulted    Others
                                                                height       injury
                 1      Jason Smith et al 18      591(61%)      67(7%)       232(24%)     79(8%)        969(100%)
                 2      Present study             17(68%)       07(28%)      01(04%)      00(0%)        25(100%)

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