Page 35 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Diagnostic and Therapeutic Laparoscopy in Various Blunt Abdomen Trauma

                  managed conservatively by draining the hemo-         Table 6: Diagnostic accuracy of laparoscopy
                  peritoneum with spraying of the hemolock solution  Name            Series    No. of  Diagnostic
                  (ferricrylum) at injury site which lead to foam formation                    cases   Accuracy
                  locally and promotes hemostasis and stops minute  1. Gustavo Kuster  General  140      97.9%
                  oozing.                                       2. Hamish Foster 25  General    227      89.0%
               •  There were two cases found with only retroperitoneum  3. Present series(2008)  General  25  92%
                  hematoma with 100-150 cc of hemoperitoneum, but no
                  active bleeders found.                        ix. Decreased incidence of negative laparotomy: In Present
               •  On laparoscopy 3 patients have major injuries, one has  study and study of Meyer et al  the incidence of negative
                  Jejunal perforation (single, small, traumatic with size of  laparotomy is almost nil (Table 7). The other above mention
                  1 cm with healthy margin which get closed primarily in  study also had average 8 to 10% of negative laparotomy,
                  two layers with mersilk (2-0) by simple interpreted suture.  which are quite less as compared to open laparotomy study.
               •  One patient with intraperitoneal bladder rupture with
                  spillage of urine and contrast dye into the abdominal  Table 7: Incidence of negative laparotomy
                  cavity with hemoperitoneum treated laparoscopically  Sr. Name   Year  No. of  Laparo- Lapa-  No. of
                  by primary closure of bladder tear in two layers with  no.          patients scopy  rotomy negative
                  vicryl (2-0) simple interpreted suture.                                                 laparo-
               •  Another case with large single traumatic perforation in                                 tomy
                  ileum with large mesenteric hematoma found with  1  Cuschieri et al 24  1985  29  16  13  3 (10.3%)
                  moderate fecal contamination which had immediately  2  Townsend et al 22  1990  15  8  07  01 (6.6%)
                  converted into the exploratory laparotomy by small mid-  3  Gruppel et al  1995  118  52  45  04 (8.8%)
                  midline scar through the supraumblical port site.  4  Meyer et al 23  2002  20  19  01    0%
               •  The ileum was delivered out through small incision and  5  Present series  2008  25  24  01    0%
                  that necrosed segment with perforation with mesenteric  x. No of port’s used:  In present study we had used 3-4 ports.
                  hematoma gets resected and end to end ileo ileal  Most commonly 3 in number out of which 2 are of 10 mm 1
                  anastomosis done with thorough peritoneal lavage.  is of 5 mm which is common in all cases. Umbilical port is
                  Almost all patients were given peritoneum lavage with  usually of 10 mm. 4th trocar usually needed in complex
                  normal saline and drainage of peritoneal cavity done  injuries to left lobe of liver, posterior pole of spleen or for
                  according to injury site.
               •  Hence in our study emergency laparoscopy has very  diaphragmatic or stomach injuries for better visualization. It
                                                                  is usually taken in subxiphoid/eipgastic region. YB Chol et
                  good diagnostic and therapeutic role in management of  al series number of port used were three-umbilical port
                  patients with blunt abdominal injury in 96% of total  (10 mm), right and left port-5 mm ,10 mm and 12 mm. 14
                  number. of cases. Only 4% of chances of open laparo-  xi. Total duration of surgery: Average duration of surgery is
                  tomy in our study. There were No Missed Injury and all  in minutes, approximately 45 to 50 minutes which is quite
                  treated patients made uneventful recovery.
               •  Finding of our present study are correlating with the  less than for standard laparotomy which required minimum
                                                                  of at least 1 hour. Hence patient had less surgical stress and
                  another study carried out by Pascal Fabian et al in year  less postanesthetic complication. In YB Chol et al series
                  2000 with 81% of total patients managed by means of  average duration of surgery is 142 minute. 14
                  laparoscopy and only 19% had conversion to open  xii. No of blood transfusions: On an average amount of blood
                  laparotomy with no any missed injury and all patients  required for any laparoscopic surgery in present study is
                  had uneventful recovery.
            vii. Incidence of negative laparoscopy (8%): In our present  approximately 2.5 unit (1 unit = 350 cc) of whole blood on an
                                                                  average is required in each patients who is hemodymically
               series there are two cases in which no any visible injury  found to be stable. Another study carried out by Nasr and
               found in abdominal organ, but only the retroperitoneal  Cynthia et al 1995 on average blood requirement is 2 units
               nonexpanding hematoma which left undisturbed. Only 100-  in each patient who is stable.
               200 cc of hemoperitoneum was present which get drained.  xiii. Failure of laparoscopy and conversion to laparotomy: In
               In Pascal Fabian et al series incidence of negative  our present study only in one case laparoscopy fail to
               laparoscopy was 6(18.8%) cases. 19                 manage injury to ileum with large traumatic perforation with
            viii.Diagnostic accuracy of laparoscopy: Diagnostic accuracy  mesenteric hematoma, which was managed by open mini
               in our study is of 92% which is correlating with the other  laparotomy with resection and anastomosis. Here only small
               series (89 to 97%) (Table 6). Hence laparoscopic has got  strategic incision taken through umbilical port (vertical
               tremendous role in diagnosis of blunt trauma abdomen.  midline incision) and traumatized part delivered out and

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