Page 33 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 33

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Laparoscopy in Various Blunt Abdomen Trauma

            because of time consumption, need for specialized instruments  the patients of blunt abdominal injury with hemoperitoneum
            and need of general anesthesia (GA). As there is availability of  who were relatively stable hemodynamically after adequate
            sophisticated equipments, instruments and easy availability of  resuscitation taken into study and treated as per the standard
            anesthetists, laparoscopy is being used more and more for  protocol of laparoscopic management after investigated
            diagnosis as well as therapeutic measure in BTA. 4  thoroughly.
               Laparoscopy was first used for a trauma patient in1956 by
            Lamy, who observed two cases of splenic injury. Since then,  CONTRAINDICATION TO LAPAROSCOPY IN
            Gazzaniga et al.  noted that laparoscopy is useful for determining  PATIENT WITH BTA  13
            the need for laparotomy. In 1991, Berci et al.  reported that he  1. BTA with associated head injury with EDH/SDH (GC scale
            had reduced the number of nontherapeutic laparotomy   < 13 -15)
            performed for hemoperitoneum by 25% through the use of  2. BTA with polytrauma (compound fracture, spine fracture,
            laparoscopy in 150 patients with blunt abdominal trauma. Chol  severe chest injury with SPO  < 90%)
            et al reported reduced negative and nontherapeutic laparotomy  3. BTA with hemodynamic instability
            rates in this identified population.  Hemoperitoneum associated  4. BTA with difficulty in endotracheal intubation.
            with stable vitals with liver injury, splenic injury, bowel injury,  5. Pregnancy
            mesenteric injury, or bladder injury can be managed very well  Patients were given general anesthesia and supine position.
            by means of laparoscopy. Advanced laparoscopic technique  First trocar inserted at supraumblical ridge with open Hassan’s
            including bowel resection and anastomosis, ligation of blood  method with pneumoperitoneum with pressure of 12-15 mm Hg.
            vessels can be utilized in BTA, as good as in elective open  Other port site created under direct vision from within. The
            surgery. 8-11  One can visualize peritoneal cavity and act  standard three main ports are (a) umbilical port (10 mm) (b) right
            expeditiously if needed (i.e. laparotomy, laparoscopic assisted  sided port (5 mm /10 mm) (c) Left sided port (5 mm/10 mm) (d)
            intervention or only observation) at time of laparoscopy. 12  others: Extra port made according to organ injury and difficulty
            Laparoscopy is cost effective, reduces the rate of negative  in its management usually, subxiphoid 5 mm in epigastrium and
            laparotomy, reduces the patient’s stay in hospital and mortality  in lower abdomen in case of pelvic organ injury.
            and allows early mobilization and resumption of work.  Diagnostic laparoscopy was done through out the all
               However with advancement in techniques and equipments,  quadrant from splenic fossa to liver as clock vise. All small
            it ‘MAY’ happen so that laparoscopy may replace laparotomy  bowel and large bowel are thoroughly checked by walk over.
            in near coming future.                             Lesser sac and duodenum are checked and lastly
                                                               retroperitoneum was explored. Blood was aspirated and suction
                                                               and irrigation done.
            1. To know the mode of injury and incidence of organ  In our prospective study, we have done therapeutic
               involvement in blunt trauma abdomen in developing  laparoscopy by laparoscopic primary closure of the jejunal
               country.                                        perforation, primary repair of bladder rupture in two layer, and
            2. To study the management of blunt trauma abdomen in  electro cauterization and hemolock solution spraying locally at
               tertiary center in developing countries like India.  liver or splenic injury (either contusion, laceration or tear) with
            3. To find out the role of laparoscopy (diagnostic as well as  no active bleeding without disturbing the preformed hematoma.
               therapeutic) in management of blunt trauma abdomen (BTA).  All patients were kept under observation in CCU and then after
            4. To reduce the incidence of negative laparotomy.  shift to the ward as they were stabilized postoperatively. Due
            5. To find out the limitation of laparoscopy in blunt trauma  postoperative care given and good follow-up done for every
               abdomen.                                        patients. Our results are as below.
            6. To review the method of patient selection, operative
               technique, operating time, intraoperative and postoperative  OBSERVATION AND DISCUSSION
               complications.                                  In present series total 25 cases of blunt abdominal trauma were
            7. To find out the impact of laparoscopy on patient with blunt  studied. All have gone through the emergency exploratory
               trauma abdomen in terms of early rehabilitation, cost  laparoscopy, out of which 24 cases (96%) managed laparo-
               effectiveness and decreased hospital stay and lastly  scopically and only 1 case (4%) converted into open exploratory
                                                                i. Indication for laparoscopy: 13,17
                                                                  •  Hemodynamically stable.
            To know the role of laparoscopy in the blunt abdominal injury,  •  Some abdominal injury.
            we have carried out a prospective study among the patients of  •  DPA (Diagnostic peritoneal aspiration) positive.
            surgical wards of Sir T hospital, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India. All  •  USG/FAST–positive.

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