Page 30 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Laparoscopic Myomectomy: Does it have any Advantages over Conventional Laparotomy?

            in hospital longer and even took long to recover and resume  reviews indicating clear advantages over the open conventional
            duty. 12                                           type of myomectomy. 13,14,18  The time taken to recovery is also
               A Cagnacci et al in a randomized prospective study looked  short following laparoscopic myomectomy. This clearly is an
            at pain control in their patients and duration of hospital stay  advantage to the patient and the surgeon. Hospital bed space
            before discharge. Of the patients operated by laparoscopy, only  is also created for other patients to occupy. Early return to duty
            a very small number required analgesia by 72 hours after surgery,  is also an added advantage although still patients may suffer
            while almost all who underwent laparotomy were still on  from fatigue as a result of the anesthesia; they still recuperate
            analgesics 72 hours after surgery. On hospital stay ten of the 17  at home. 12-15  Patient satisfaction is also another factor. The
            patients of laparoscopic surgery had been discharged while  operation site does not have a big incision as is the case with
            none in the laparotomy group. 13                   conventional myomectomy. This is especially satisfying in the
               Mais V et al in another randomized clinical study in 1996  cosmetically conscious patients.
            involving 40 subjects had similar findings that pain control was  Despite all the mentioned advantages, laparoscopic
            better tolerated by those in the laparoscopy group than the  myomectomy is an expensive procedure and the surgeon must
            laparotomy group. While only 3 patients needed analgesics in  be sure of what she/he is doing. Proper and complete training is
            the laparoscopy group, 17 of the laparotomy patients needed  a must as there are no short cuts to operative laparoscopy. The
            analgesia. By the 15th day of surgery, 18 of the patients who  patient must be explained what to expect including the possibility
            had laparoscopic surgery had left hospital while only one had
            been discharged from the laparotomy group. 14      of conversion if need be.
               C Chapron et al in a meta-analysis in 2002 of published data,  Laparoscopic Myomectomy has been given a lot of attention
            from a randomized clinical trial looked at risks facing patients  and publicity worldwide but still it remains such a controversial
            after laparoscopic myomectomy. (1809-laparoscopy and 1802-  subject. Several studies conducted are either against or for
            laparotomy). He found that the overall risk of complications  laparoscopic myomectomy-a clear case of bias. This should
            was significantly lower for the patients operated by  however not discourage those for it as they are the ones who
            laparoscopy. 17                                    will improve and refine the surgery.
               Holzer et al is accredited with the first double-blind study in  From the foregoing, it is clear that despite the many
            pain control after laparoscopic myomectomy. After sugery, all  controversies and the bias against laparoscopic myomectomy,
            the patients had similar dressings and therefore none of them  the several studies reviewed may not have given a clear picture
            new which patients had which type of surgery.19 had  of the way forward, but a clear foundation has been laid down
            laparoscopy and 21 had laparotomy. The investigators were  to have more studies carried out in the future to clearly show
            also kept in the dark. On completion of the study, analysis done  whether there are clear advantages of laparoscopic myomectomy
            clearly showed that laparoscopic surgery had clear advantages  over the conventional way- laparotomy. Most of the drawbacks
            over laparotomy as far as pain control is concerned. 18  in the study resulted from the fact that;
               Alfonso Rossetti et al in their review published in April  1. There were no clear reviews for research.
            2001 looked at the rate of myoma recurrence following either  2. There was very minimal scientific blinding, which is usually
            laparoscopic or laparotomy myomectomy. 162 patients were  the main stay of scientific research.
            involved, 82 for each type of surgery. These were followed up  3. Some investigators might have clear publication bias of
            to 40 months. At the end of this duration, 11 in the laparoscopy  results.
            and 9 in the laparotomy had recurred. Analysis of this did not
            show any statistical significance. 19              REFERENCES

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