Page 29 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 29

Cromwell HM Mwakirungu

            Myomectomy can be performed either through an abdominal  MATERIAL AND METHODS
            incision (laparotomy) or through small holes made using canulas  A literature search was performed using Medline, Highwire
            and trocars and using a special telescope to perform the surgery  press, Springerlink and the Google search engine. The following
            (laparoscopic). After laparoscopic myomectomy, the myomas  search terms were used: myoma, myomectomy, laparoscopy,
            are removed from inside the abdomen by either an instrument  laparotomy. GnRH analogues and hysteroscopy. 1400 citations
            called a morcillator, or through an incision through the posterior  were found in all. Selected papers were screened for further
            cul de sac of Douglas and through the vagina.      references. Criteria for selection of literature were the number of
               Hysteroscopic myomectomy can also be done for
            endometrial or submucous myomas.                   cases (excluded if less than 20), methods of analysis (statistical
                                                               or nonstatistical), operative procedure (only universally
                                                               accepted procedures were selected) and the institution where
                                                               the study was done (specialized institutions for laparoscopic
            The aim of the study was to compare whether there are any  surgery.
            advantages by doing laparoscopic myomectomy over the
            conventional ‘open’ myomectomy. The following parameters
            were evaluated for both the procedures:            RESULTS
            1. Method of patient selection                     Out of a total of 30 articles reviewed, only six had the important
            2. Operative technique                             information for analysis and presentation. This is shown in the
            3. Operating time                                  matrix above.
            4. Intra- and postoperative complications             Dr Paul Indman in his reviews of the patients he had attended
            5. Postoperative pain and use of narcotic analgesia  to in his surgery, found that most of the patients he operated
            6. Postoperative morbidity                         on by laparoscopic technique recovered earlier and even
            7. Hospital stay                                   resumed duty much earlier than the ones undergoing laparotomy.
            8. Cost effectiveness                              He found that within two weeks of surgery, the patients had
            9. Quality of life analyses.                       resumed duty while those operated by the open method stayed

            Article/Year              Method       Surger     No.Sub      P/c72h    H/Stay     Re/ Per   O/Par
            P Indman 2006 12          Review       Lap          –           –        24        2 weeks   –
                                      Review       Conv         –           –       > 48       6 weeks   –
            A Cagnacci et al 2003 13  Random       lap         17         min        10        –         –
                                      Random       Conv        17        max          0        –         –
            Mais V et al 1996 14      Random       lap         20          17         –        2 w/18    –
                                      Random       Conv        20           3         –        2 w/1     –
            C Chapron et al 2002 16   Random       lap        1809          –         –        –         O/r
                                      Random       Conv       1802          –         –        –         O/r
            Holzer et al 2006 17      D/Blind      lap         19         A/nil       –        –         –
                                      D/Blind      Conv        21         A/all       –        –         –
            Alfonso R et al 2001 19   Random       Lap         81           –         –        –         Rec/11
                                      Random       Conv        81           –         –        –         Rec/9
            Ke ys
            Surger—Operation type
            No.Sub—Number of subjects
            P/c72h—Pain control by 72 hours and need for narcotic analgesia
            H/Stay—Hospital stay before discharge
            RE/Per—Recovery period
            O/Par—Other parameters observed
            Lap—Laparoscopic myomectomy
            Conv—Conventional open
            A/nil—Almost all did not need pain killers
            A/all—Almost all needed pain killers
            O/r—Other risks
            Rec/11/9—Recurrences of myomas postsurgery.

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