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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2009;2(2):30-32
                                                        Shailaja Chhetri

            Laparoscopy as a Diagnostic Tool in the

            Evaluation of Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women

            Shailaja Chhetri
            Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 5 Mile Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim, India

            Abstract                                           AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
            Chronic pelvic pain is a common and significant disorder of women.  The main aim of the study is to assess the various causes of
            Often the etiology of chronic pelvic pain is not clear.
               Chronic pelvic pain is a common problem and presents a major  chronic pelvic pain with the help of laparoscopy as a diagnostic
            challenge to health care providers because of its unclear etiology,  tool.
            complex natural history, and poor response to therapy. Diagnostic
            laparoscopy is an important tool in the evaluation of women with chronic  MATERIAL AND METHODS
            pelvic pain.
            Keywords:  chronic pelvic pain, laparoscopy, pelvic adhesions,  A literature search was performed using Medline, Pubmed
            endometriosis, pelvic congestion, fibroids.        (National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD), search engine
                                                               Google, Springerlink and Highwire press (Stanford University
            INTRODUCTION                                       Libraries). In the searches of Medline, Google, Springerlink and

            Chronic pelvic pain is defined as a noncyclic pelvic pain of  Highwire press, the following search terms were used
            greater than six months, which is not relieved by nonnarcotic  laparoscopy, chronic pelvic pain, pelvic adhesions,

            analgesics.Chronic pelvic pain has been found to be one of the  endometriosis, pelvic congestion and fibroids. Potentially
            most common symptoms attending gynecological outpatient  relevant papers were reviewed. Selected papers were further
            department in gynecology. Prevalence of chronic pelvic pain  screened for references. Criteria for selection of literature were
            has been reported as 3.8% in women aged 15-73, which is higher  that all were limited to human subjects who were all females, the
            than the prevalence of migraine (2.1%) and similar to that of  number of cases more than 20.
            bronchial asthma (3.7%) or back pain (4.1%).  In primary care  COMMENTS
            practices, 39% of women complain of pelvic pain.  Chronic
            pelvic pain is estimated to account for 10% of all referrals to  The causes of chronic pelvic pain maybe somatic or nonsomatic
            gynecologists, it is the indication for 12% of all hysterectomies  (psychogenic). Somatic causes of chronic pelvic pain in women
            and over 40% of gynecologic laparoscopies.  Clearly, pelvic  are commonly gynecological and the most common are pelvic
            pain is an important issue in the health care of women. Chronic  adhesions, endometriosis, pelvic congestions, fibroids,
            pelvic pain seem to occur during reproductive years although  adenomyosis, ovarian cysts and pelvic inflammatory disease.
            some particular enigmatic pain syndromes may occur in young  Nongynecological causes include irritable bowel syndrome,
            adolescents and other causes may occur after menopause and  insterstitial cystitis, diverticulitis and mysofascial pain
            in the elderly.                                    symptoms.
               Chronic pelvic pain is characterized by six common  Laparoscopy, because of its availability and safety, provides
            characteristics; duration of six months or longer, incomplete  a valuable tool in the evaluation of undiagnosed chronic pelvic
            relief by previous treatment, pain out of proportion to tissue  pain. It is a simple and often definitive means of establishing
            damage, loss of physical function at home or work, vegetative  the presence or absence of pelvic pathology without resorting
            signs of depression and altered family and social roles.  to major abdominal surgery.
               Laparoscopy is a valuable clinical tool in the diagnosis of  Marana et al  performed laparoscopy in 137 patients with
            chronic pelvic pain. It can confirm a clinical impression, establish  chronic pelvic pain and abnormal laparoscopic findings were
            a definite diagnosis, follow the course of a disease and modify  detected in 102 (80%) patients whereas 25 (20%) patients had a
            therapy accordingly.                               normal laparoscopic examination.  Kontoravdis et al 5

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