Page 26 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 26

Laparoscopy as a Diagnostic Tool in the Evaluation of Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women

            laparoscopically assessed 1629 patients with chronic pelvic  ovarian venography and transuterine retrograde venography
            pain and detected abnormal pathology in 76% and a normal  is thus required. However, decreasing the intra-abdominal
            pelvic examination in 24% of the patients. Mara et al  performed  pressure and gradually placing the patient in reverse
            480 laparoscopies in patients with chronic pelvic pain and  Trendelenburg position can demonstrate pelvic varicosities
            pathology was detected in 82.3%. Swanton et al  did  when diagnostic laparoscopy is performed.  The prevalence
            laparoscopy with conscious pain mapping in 39 women and  of pelvic varicosities in the broad ligament is reported as 7.3%. 9
            identified the cause of pain in 35 (90%) women and none in 4
            (10%) women.                                       LAPAROSCOPY AND OVARIAN CYSTS
               Thus, the use of laparoscopy allows the detection of  Ovarian cysts rarely cause chronic pelvic pain as most are
            potentially treatable pathology not detected or detectable by  hemorrhagic and corpus luteal or follicle cysts and are cyclical
            other types of evaluation such as ultrasonography, imaging  and are usually asymptomatic and when they do cause
            studies, endoscopy, and laboratory studies.        symptoms they are usually acute. However, ovarian cysts which
                                                               are associated with endometriosis, residual ovarian syndrome
            LAPAROSCOPY AND PELVIC ADHESIONS                   or ovarian retention syndrome are associated with chronic pelvic
            Adhesions are among the most common organic findings noted  pain. Swanton et al detected trapped ovary in 7.7% of patients
            at the time of diagnostic laparoscopy performed for the  undergoing laparoscopy. 7
            evaluation of chronic pelvic pain. They form after trauma to the
            visceral and parietal peritoneum and thus can be secondary to  LAPAROSCOPY AND FIBROIDS
            surgery, infection and endometriosis. Between 70-85% are  Leiomyomas are the most common tumors found in the female
            thought to occur after surgery.  Cheong et al in 2006 reported  genital tract. Almost one of four women have palpable fibroids
            that endometriosis was a typical finding in 24% of patients with  by the time she reaches the 4th decade of life. The incidence of
            chronic pelvic pain.  Drozgyik et al in 2007 performed  small nonpalpable tumors discovered by endovaginal
            laparoscopy on 1061 patients with chronic pelvic pain and found  ultrasonography examination or laparoscopy is even higher.
            that the most common cause was pelvic adhesions, which  Uterine fibroids have been detected in 5.2 to 8.9% in women
            detected in 32.5% patients. 9                      who have undergone laparoscopy for chronic pelvic pain. 7,9

            Sampson in 1921, defined endometriosis as “presence of ectopic  The results of research on chronic pelvic pain must be reviewed
            endometrial tissue which possesses the histological structure  carefully before the data can be generalized to primary care
            and function of the uterine mucosa”, and still remains the  populations. Few studies have evaluated patients with chronic
            accepted definition. Thus, endometriosis is a histological  pelvic pain who present to family physicians. Much of the
            diagnosis and thus a tissue specimen is required. Thus  research has been performed on well-delineated referral
            laparoscopy is essential in the diagnosis of endometriosis, and  populations; in women who were treated by gynecologists, in
            an exploratory laparotomy is not warranted until the symptoms  women who were treated in clinics for chronic pain in general or
            are extreme or laparoscopy is not available.       chronic pelvic pain specifically and in women with chronic pelvic
               Endometriosis is also a common diagnosis in patients  pain that persisted despite hysterectomy. Women with chronic
            evaluated for chronic pelvic pain using diagnostic laparoscopy.  pelvic pain responsive to simpler and less invasive treatment
            The prevalence of endometriosis that was detected in  seldom have been participants in these studies. Chronic pelvic
            laparoscopy is 20.4 to 22.3%.  Some studies report confirmation  pain has a myriad of possible causes, most with very little
            of suspected endometriosis during diagnostic laparoscopy in  correlation between clinical evidence and the extent of disease
            78 to 84% of patients. 10,11  Based on several randomized control  and the quality, quantity or appearance of pain. Often, the
            trails, endometriosis appears to be responsible for chronic pelvic  woman with chronic pelvic pain has seen several physicians,
            pain in more than half of confirmed cases. 12
                                                               has used alternative methods of care, may have already had a
                                                               hysterectomy, may have used narcotics for pain relief and usually
                                                               has multiple other complaints that span several organ systems,
            Pelvic congestion is associated with pelvic varicosities and it is  including dyspareunia, anorgasmy, postcoital pain,
            often found in women with chronic pelvic pain in whom no  disturbances in menstrual cycle, backache, nausea, malaise,
            other obvious cause of their pelvic pain can be found. However  diarrhea, headaches and vertigo.
            laparoscopy is not the recommended method for making the  Psychological evaluation is necessary in the initial evaluation
            diagnosis of pelvic congestion syndrome and thus retrograde  and treatment of all women with chronic pelvic pain. Even when

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