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Review of Literatures on Laparoscopic Prosthetic Repair of Giant Hiatal Hernia than Pure Anatomical Repair of Crura

            Tension-free Techniques
            1. One tension-free technique is anterior placement of a
               triangular piece of mesh, proposed by Paul et al  (Fig. 3).
               A triangular or semilunar polytef patch is placed to
               occlude the anterior segment of the hiatus and fixed
               with staples or stitches. The stomach is fixed to the
               abdomen and a fundoplication is added.
            2. For posterior placement of a triangular piece of mesh
               (Fig. 4), the aim is the same as in the technique for
               anterior placement. Kuster and Gilroy  proposed a
               posterior segmental occlusion, occluding the base of
               the pillar overture, and placing the esophagus anteriorly,
               fixing the mesh with staples or stitches. Fixation to the  Fig. 4: Tension-free repair: Posterior placement of a triangular
               abdominal wall or a gastrostomy is also performed. 12              piece of mesh
            3. A third technique involves onlay of a piece of mesh,
               with a hole facilitating the passage of the esophagus.
               The mesh covers the whole of the hiatal defect, and no
               attempt is made to close the hiatus (Fig. 5).
            4. There are several shapes of mesh designed to allow the
               passage of the esophagus and to facilitate fixation (e.g.
               U shape, 13,14  A shape ) (Fig. 6). Casaccia et al  recently
               proposed a composite polytef-polypropylene A-shaped
               mesh. This mesh was designed according to the strength
               lines of the hiatus and produced good results after 8
               months of follow-up.
            5. A piece of mesh may be placed just covering the defect
               below the esophagus, overlapping both pillars laterally.
               This was described by Basso et al  (Fig. 7).
            6. In another technique, after a standard closure of the
               hiatus, a relaxing incision lateral to the right crura is
               placed, and a patch is fixed with stitches or staples
                                                                  Fig. 5: Tension-free repair: Onlay piece of mesh, with a hole
                                                                         facilitating the passage of the esophagus

                   Fig. 3: Tension-free repair: Anterior placement of  Fig. 6: Shapes of mesh designed to allow passage of the
                          a triangular piece of mesh 10           esophagus and to facilitate fixation (U shape, 13,14  A shape )
            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2010;3(2):85-90                                 87
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