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Sardar H Arif
surgeon. Dissection from the mid-clavicular cannula with
right hand with the lateral displacement of the neck of the
gallbladder using the left hand through the subxiphoid
cannula is difficult because the tip of the dissector will lose
its perpendicular angle to the dissection plane and become
positioned with a very narrow angle. We performed the
dissection from mid axillary’s cannula. The dissection was
quite safe and this confirms the previous reports of safe
laparoscopic cholecystectomy in situs inversus totalis. No
matter which configuration is used, it is important to clearly
dissect the cystic duct and artery, stay close to the inferior
gallbladder edge, and obtain the critical view of safety prior
to transecting any structures. This is true of all laparoscopic
cholecystectomy, but especially true in this case, in which
Fig. 2: Dissection of the Calot’s triangle the patient’s anatomic configuration is not familiar. Some
surgeons may opt to selectively perform a cholangiogram
to delineate ductal anatomy. This operation need entire
important aspects of the management of gallstones in
patients with situs inversus that are worth highlighting. While dissection to be performed by left hand, and this may be
there is no evidence to suggest that gallstones are more or done easier by left hand surgeon. Though laparoscopic
less common in people with situs inversus, the presentation cholecystectomy in such patients is technically more
with left upper quadrant pain may delay the diagnosis of demanding, an experienced laparoscopic surgeon can
symptomatic gallstones. In this case, the patient presented perform it safely.
with epigastric pain only and had no definite left upper Thus, situs inversus totalis does not appear to be
quadrant pain. It has been noted in 30% of previous reported contraindication to laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
cases of acute cholecystitis in patients with situs inversus
that the pain was felt in the epigastrium alone and in 10% REFERENCES
the pain was localized to the right upper quadrant the 1. Dan Eisenberg Department of Surgery, Palo Alto VA Health
proposed explanation for this is that the central nervous Care System and Stanford School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA,
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the mirror image anatomy poses difficulty in orientation Complex, Near Swaminarayan Avenue, Anjali Cinema Cross
during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. While there is no Road, Vasana, Ahmedabad - 380007, Gujarat, India.
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