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             ORIGINAL ARTICLE                                      Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Situs Inversus Totalis

            Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Situs

            Inversus Totalis

            Sardar H Arif
            Department of Surgery, Duhok Medical College, Azadi Teaching Hospital, Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

              A 42-year-old female known case of situs inversus presented with several attacks of epigastric pain. Abdominal ultrasound confirmed the
              diagnosis of gallstone, as well as situs inversus, laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed safely, the operation done by left handed
              Keywords: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, situs inversus.


            Situs inversus totalis is first described in 1600, situs inversus
            totalis is a rare congenital anomaly with an autosomal
            recessive genetic pattern of inheritance, which is usually
            asymptomatic through adulthood. In the absence of rare
            cardiac anomalies, life-expectancy is normal.  It may be
            partial, where the transposition is confined to either the
            abdominal or the thoracic viscera, or complete, i.e. involving
            both the cavities.  While acute cholecystitis is one of the
            most common diagnosis requiring surgical management, it
            can be difficult to correctly diagnose in a patient with situs
            inversus. 3

            CASE REPORT                                                       Fig. 1: Left sided gallbladder

            A 42-year-old female was diagnosed as situs inversus  10 mm trocar was introduced in subxiphoid just to the left
            presented with several attacks of sever epigastric pain for  of midline with two other 5 mm trocar, 1st in left anterior
            two months, colicky in nature radiate to the back and her  axillary’s line and 2nd in left mid-clavicular line, the fundus
            symptom was aggravated by fatty meals.             grasped with grasping forceps and retracted toward the
                Abdominal examination revealed no significant finding,  left shoulder by assistant (Fig. 1).
            upper endoscopy done to her revealed normal stomach and   We hold the neck of gallbladder with grasping forceps,
            duodenum, three abdominal ultrasounds was done for her  fairly close to the origin of the cystic duct and dissection in
            revealed multiple gallstones in left sided gallbladder.  Calot’s triangle to visualize the cystic artery and cystic duct
                                                               then double clipping of cystic artery and cystic duct and
            TECHNIQUE                                          cholecystectomy done safely (Fig. 2).
            Under general anesthesia the patient was in supine position,  The technique was not so difficult because the surgeon
            the surgeon who was left handed with the camera man on  was left handed but only needed some orientation.
            patient’s right site and the assistant was on left site, the  DISCUSSION
            monitor was in the left site near the head of the patient.
                Subumbilical incision done with CO  insufflations,  Situs inversus viscerum is a rare condition, occurring in
            10 mm trocar introduced through this incision, another  1:5,000-1:10,000 hospital admissions.  There are several

            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2010;3(2):63-65                                 63
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