Page 45 - World's Most Popular Laparoscopic Journal
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Abhijit Mahanta, RK Mishra

          of mesh fixation to demonstrate whether fibrin-based mesh  highly concentrated fibrinogen, factor XIII, fibronectin, and
          adhesion provides adequate biomechanical stability for repair  traces of other plasma proteins. The second component
          of inguinal hernia by TAPP and TEP and to elucidate the  contains thrombin, calcium chloride, and antifibrinolytic
          extent to which tacks, anchor-based fixations can be  agent such as aprotinin (Table 1). Mixing of two components
          replaced with fixation with fibrin glue/bioadhesives for  leads to activation of fibrinogen and thrombin by calcium
          laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. The following parameters  chloride, formation and cross-linking of fibrin leading to
          were also evaluated:                                the formation of polymerized fibrin chains, duplicating the
          1. Patient selection                                last step of the coagulation cascade. The fibrinogen
          2. Operative technique                              component gives tensile strength, thrombin stimulates
          3. Operating time                                   fibroblast proliferation and aprotinin, an antifibrinolytic agent
          4. Intra and postoperative complications            enhances the life span of the sealant.
          5. Postoperative pain                                   The required dose of fibrin sealant depends on the size
          6. Hospital stay                                    of the surface to be covered, as shown in Table 2.
          7. Cost effectiveness.                                 Fibrin sealant contains the following substances in four
                                                              separate vials:
          MATERIALS AND METHODS                               1. Sealer protein concentrate (Human), vapor-heated,
          The literature utilized in this article were taken from search
          engine Google, SpringerLink library, HighWire press,  2. Fibrinolysis inhibitor solution (Bovine)
                                                              3. Thrombin (Human), vapor-heated, freeze-dried
          Surgical endoscopy journal, World journal of surgery,
          Medscape. The following terms were used: Fibrin glue in  4. Calcium chloride solution.
                                                                 Freeze-dried sealer protein concentrate and thrombin
          laparoscopic hernia repair, TAPP, Fibrin sealant in hernia
          repair, role of fibrin glue in TAPP, TEP. The selected articles  are reconstituted in fibrinolysis inhibitor solution and calcium
                                                              chloride solution respectively (Flow Chart 1). The resulting
          were screened for further references.
                                                              sealer protein solution and thrombin solution are then
                                                              combined (by using the duploject system, or equivalent
          FIBRIN GLUE
                                                              delivery device) to form the fibrin sealant:
          Fibrin glue/sealant is a commercial tissue adhesive containing  Various methods can be used to apply the two
          fibrinogen and thrombin. The commercial product is a two  components of the sealant, the duploject and application
          component system from human plasma that contains more  needle being the most convenient and popular in
          than fibrinogen and thrombin. The first component contains  laparoscopic surgery.

                                               Table 1: Composition of tissue glue
                                                                             Package sizes
                                                          0.5 ml         1.0 ml        2.0 ml         5.0 ml

               Sealer protein   Fibrinogen (mg)         37.5-57.5       75-115        150-230       375-575
               concentrate      Total protein (mg)         50-65       100-130        200-260       500-650
                                Polysorbate 80 (mg)       0.1-0.2       0.2-0.4       0.4-0.8           1-2
                                Sodium chloride (mg)        1-2            2-4           4-8          10-20
                                Trisodium citrate (mg)      2-4            4-8          8-16          20-40
                                Glycine (mg)             7.5-17.5        15-35         30-70         75-175
               Fibrinolysis     Aprotinin (KIU)            1500           3000          6000         15000
               Inhibitor solution  Volume (ml)               0.5           1.0           2.0            5.0
               Thrombin         Thrombin (IU)               250            500          1000          2500
                                Total protein (mg)      22.5-27.5        45-55         90-110       225-275
                                Sodium chloride (mg)        4-6           8-12         16-24          40-60
                                Glycine (mg)              1.2-1.8       2.4-3.6        4.8-7.2        12-18
               Calcium chloride  CaCl 2  (µmol)              20            40             80           200
               Solution         Volume (ml)                  0.5           1.0           2.0            5.0
                                Total combined
                                Volume (ml)                  1.0           2.0           4.0           10.0

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