Page 41 - World's Most Popular Laparoscopic Journal
P. 41

Bharathi Rajanna

          of alternative contraception for 12 weeks. The women are  cause serious problem. It is wise to keep intrauterine pressure
          discharged on the same day with follow-up date.     below 100 mm Hg. Hypercarbia, acidosis and air embolism
                                                              may be encountered if carbon dioxide is used in office
          STUDY SUMMARY                                       hysteroscopy.
                                                                 Local anesthesia occasionally may cause allergic
          Phase 1 trial revealed that 85% had successful placement,
          98% had satisfactory rate and bilateral block demonstrated.  reaction. The most common complications are due to
          In retrospective study from 2002 to 2008 in Netherlands,  intravasation.
          10 unwanted pregnancies occurred which could be due to  DEVICE IN DEVELOPMENT
          expulsion of device (2.9%), perforation (1%). Other reasons
          could be due to inadequate interpretation of HSG,   Adiana Complete System
          noncompliance of physician or defaulted follow-up. After  It is a two stage procedure. In the first instance the
          modification of device by innovating hydrophilic coating  intramural part is treated with radiofrequency energy
          and improved flexibility, the success of cannulation was  (Fig. 6). The second step is the placement of porous silicone
          98%. Phase 2 trail revealed 96% correct device placement.  nonbiodegradable matrix, a size of grain is inserted into the
          One patient expelled the device and in other device was  tubal lumen. The implant provokes a fibrous reaction and
          placed in myoma. In phase 3 trial, 11 were declined due  occludes the tube over the period of week.
          uterine polyp, blocked ostia and cervical stenosis.    Procedure involves a flow hysteroscope, the 5F catheter
                                                              is placed in 6F working channel. A black mark on catheter
          RESULTS                                             assures correct placement. Later, radiofrequency generator
          First study of safety was established in 2001. Over 50,000
          procedures have been formed worldwide with 12,000 in
          Europe, where 600 surgeons were trained in the technique.
          Recently accepted FDA data indicates 99.7% effetiveness
          with usage over 5 years.

          Adverse Effects

          No method is 100% effective. There is a possibility of
          ectopic pregnancy. Postprocedural pain (1-3%) resolved in
          one to three days. Mild vaginal bleeding lasted upto one          Fig. 6: The Adiana system
          week. Perforation (1%) could be due to support catheter,
          which was later abandoned. A case of pyosalpinx noted  is activated at tubal ostia.The sensors give feedback when
          could be attributed to migration of device. The risk of  heated and later the matrix is released from the tip of the
          pregnancy can be reduced by strict follow-up. The   delivery system. Proximal 12 mm of tube is cannulated.
          theoretical risk of interference with IVF pregnancy.  The concept is to allow the growth of healthy vascularized
          Progressive encapsulation is unlikely to interfere with  tissue in the porous matrix. The mean procedure time is
          embryo transfer. The risks of hysteroscopy should not be  12 minutes. There was no procedure related adverse event.
          forgotten. The major drawback with the device is that first  Women are asked to continue contraception for
          generation ablative techniques are not possible.    12 weeks. HSG at this point confirms success.
             Hysteroscopy complications include cervical laceration  The EASE trial (evaluation of Adiana system ) was
          with tenaculum forceps. Uterine perforation can be  completed in 2005. It was stated, 612 women were treated
          encountered with forceful dilatation, false passage; bleeding  with an 95% bilateral insertion rate.
          can occur if hysteroscope is advanced blindly or forcibly
          into the uterine cavity. Infection is rare if necessary  Ovion Eclipse
          precaution of disinfection is undertaken prior to surgery.  This system was designed to negate the shortcoming of
             Complication of distention media is of concern in  Essure implant, such as endometrial abalative technique and
          prolonged hystereoscopic surgeries. In sterilization surgery,  potential need of IVF pregnancy (Figs 7A and B). To
          fluids containing electrolytes when used are less likely to  accommodate this criteria, the device was shortened by

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