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Hysteroscopic Sterilization

          and posterior to the cervix. The cardinal ligament transit  attempt to pass the hysteroscope may be made without the
          nerve at 3 and 9 o’clock position. Uterosacral at 5 and  use of tenaculum. If needed, cervical dilatation is performed.
          7 o’clock position. Injection of 1% lignocaine 3 to 5 ml is  Normal saline is used at body temperature and introduced
          recommended at 4 and 8 or 5 and 7 to maximize the   under gravity. Pressure bags may be used to maintain uterine
          anesthesia while paracervical block is performed. Each step  distension. Panoramic view of uterine cavity is taken, ostia
          is kept informed. A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory  identified. Easier one is taken up first, which will help
          suppository may help to alleviate her uterine cramps.  prevent the endometrium from becoming edematous and
             The OT is set with basic instruments which includes  obscuring the view.
          hyseroscope and diagnostic sheath, a sheath to permit  The essure delivery system is passed through introducer
          passage of ancillary instruments, distension media, lighting  and down the working channel with tubal ostia in view.
          system, and duck-billed speculum, a single-toothed  The system is advanced into the proximal fallopian tube
          tenaculum, dilators stand by and a paracervical kit (Fig. 4).  with constant gentle forward pressure, which helps to
             The procedure begins with the patient in the lithotomy  prevent tubal spasm (Figs 5A to C). When the black mark
          stirrups. The vulva and perineal areas are sterilely prepped  is at ostia, the unit is deployed and handle of delivery device
          with the iodine based solution and then sterile drapes are  is stabilized against the hysteroscope. The technique involves
          placed over the legs and abdomen. A pelvic examination is  the thumb on essure handle, which is rotated at one click/
          performed to determine the size of uterus and its orientation.  sec retracting the delivery catheter and exposing the wound-
          The cervix is identified. The hysteroscope is introduced  down. Approximately 1 cm of insert is visible in uterine
          and findings are explained to the women observing the view.  cavity, i.e. small notch on wound-down insert and orange
          A sterile speculum is placed on posterior vaginal wall.  catheter is out and confirms proper placement. Then, button
             The micro-inserts are placed using essure delivery  on the handle is depressed enabling the thumb to rotate. If
          system through a 5 mm hysteroscope 12 to 30 degrees,  arrest of rotation and no further withdrawal of orange
          which allows cannulation of fallopian tube, as it helps in  catheter occurs, the procedure is complete and allows insert
          forward view. With a continuous flow system, the    to expand approximately 10 cm. With a counter clockwise
          hysteroscope is placed under direct visualization through  rotation, the delivery system is withdrawn from the catheter.
          the cervix prior to dilatation. Normal saline is used during  After the procedure, 3 to 8 outer coils should be visible in
          placement of hysteroscope to aid visualization. An initial  uterine cavity. If 18 or more, consider removal of the device.
                                                              The same procedure is repeated on contralateral side. The
                                                              mean procedure time is 9 to 13 minutes. Proper placement
                                                              of the device can be confirmed by X-ray at 11 o’clock and
                                                              1 o’clock position or ultrasound. Patency of the tube can
                                                              be ascertained by HSG after three months. Postoperatively
          Fig. 4: Essure micro-insert in wound-down configuration. The essure  women are advised analgesics for pain and to abstain from
          micro-insert, when attached to the delivery wire in a wound-down
          configuration, is 4 cm in length and 0.8 mm in diameter  sex for 10 days to avoid infection. The women are informed

          Figs 5A to C: Steps for correct placement of the micro-insert. (A) When the black marker on the delivery catheter is at the ostia, the insert is
          in the ideal position spanning the intramural and proximal isthmic segments of the fallopian tube. (B) After retracting the delivery catheter and
          exposing the wound-down micro-insert, the orange attachment to the delivery catheter can be identified. To confirm proper placement, the
          small notch in the wound-down insert should be located just outside the tubal ostium before completing the deployment of the device. (C) Ideally,
          three to eight expanded outer coils should be trailing in the endometrial cavity. Here four coils are seen

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2010;3(3):159-164                      161
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