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Tissue Glue in Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair: A Retrospective Comparative Analysis

          preperitoneal inguinal hernia repair. Half of the subjects were  the staples group.The percentage of late postoperative
          randomly assigned to fibrin glue and half to staples for mesh  complications was 3 and 7% of patients in the fibrin glue
          fixation. All patients completed the protocol and were  and staples groups respectively. There were no cases of
          available for evaluation for one year after the procedure.  hernia recurrences.
          Pain was reduced with the fibrin glue by several measures.  Over three years, Graziano Ceccarelli et al  compared
          On the first postoperative day, significantly fewer patients  the characteristics of mesh fixation with titanium clips and
          in the glue group reported mild pain (28% vs 46% of those  fibrin glue (Tisseel) and evaluated if the use of fibrin sealant
          receiving staples), and there was a nonsignificant trend  was as safe and effective as conventional stapling and if
          toward more glue patients reporting no pain (68% for glue,  there were differences in postoperative pain, complications
          42% for staples). One week after the procedure, pain  and recurrences. Comparision was made between two
          measures still showed a significant advantage for the glue.  homogeneous groups of 68 patients (83 cases) treated with
          Using a 10-point visual analogue scale, patients who received  fibrin glue and 68 patients (87 cases), where the mesh was
          glue reported pain in the 0 to 2 range, while those received  fixed with staples. TAPP technique was used. Operative
          staples reported pain in the range of 3 to 6. Patients in the  times were longer in the group treated with fibrin glue with
          glue group also consumed significantly less pain medication  a mean of 35 minutes (range 22-65 mins) compared to the
          (oral diclofenac and paracetamol): A mean of 4.5 tablets  group treated with staples (25 minutes, range 14-50 mins).
          per day vs 7.0 tablets per day for the staple group.  The time of hospital stay was the same (24 hours).
             In a study by Stark et al  the rate of nerve entrapment  Postoperative complications that were more frequent in the
          in laparoscopic patients was 4.2%. The genitofemoral nerve  stapled group, included trocar site pain, hematomas,
          was affected with a high frequency (2%), and the ilioinguinal  intraoperative bleedings and incisional hernias. No significant
          or lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh was affected in 1.1%  difference was observed concerning seromas, chronic pain
          of the cases.                                       and recurrence rate.
             The morbidity in postoperative period in patients with  A study by Arthur P Fine et al involved 38 adult patients
          staples and fibrin glue mesh fixation is a topic of interest.  with 51 inguinal hernias. 38 patients with 45 primary and
          Federico Lovisetto et al  carried out a randomized study in  six recurrent inguinal hernias were treated with laparoscopic
          197 patients with inguinal or femoral hernia. The primary  repair by the total extraperitoneal mesh placement (TEP)
          outcomes were early postoperative and late neuralgia  technique using mesh secured with fibrin sealant. All patients
          recorded using a visual analog scale (VAS). The effects of  could care for themselves within a day of surgery.
          neuralgia on functional status were evaluated using the  Immediately following surgery, patients on average took
          modified SF-36 questionnaire. Secondary outcomes included  7 days off from work. Short-term pain associated with the
          complications, such as nonspecific pain and recurrence.  procedure generally subsided completely within three to
          His study included 176 males (89.3%) and 21 females  four days. Follow-up examination two weeks after the
          (10.7%) patients with a mean age of 53 years (range 18-  surgery revealed no swelling or localized abdominal pain,
          79 years); 188 (95.4%) hernias were inguinal and nine  and the patient was allowed full activity and returned to
          (4.6%) were femoral. Patient characteristics were similar  work. Postoperative complications were minor and generally
          in the two groups. Follow-up visits were done in 1, 3, 6,  expected as a consequence of surgery. Mild cord or canal
          and 12 months. No intraoperative complications were  swelling or both, following the procedure being the most
          observed in either of the treatment groups. When compared,  common complaint. The degree of swelling was not judged
          there was no significant difference in quality of life in the  as severe or necessitating intervention in any case. Mild to
          two study groups. The mean duration of intervention was  moderate orchitis was noted in three patients (7.9%)
          54 minutes (range 30-95 minutes) in the Tisseel/fibrin glue  following surgery, as were two cases of hematoma (5.3%)
          group vs 40 minutes (range 25-105 minutes) in the staples  and one suspected case of seroma (2.6%) that resolved
          group. The mean postoperative hospitalization time in each  without intervention. Two patients (5.3%) presented with
          group was one day. The mean recovery time to normal  mild fever and localized pain and swelling following surgery.
          physical activity was 7.9 days (range 5-11 days) in the  Ciprofloxacin was given for suspected infection, and both
          fibrin glue group vs 9.1 days (range 7-11 days) in the staples  patients eventually resolved without further intervention.
          group. Early postoperative complications which included  P Topart et al  in his retrospective analysis of Tisseel vs
          hematoma/seroma, orchitis, nonspecific pain occurred in  tack staples as mesh fixation in totally extraperitoneal
          8% of patients in the fibrin group and in 12% of patients in  laparoscopic repair of groin hernias compared the result of

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2010;3(3):165-174                      171
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