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Hysteroscopic Sterilization
Figs 7A and B: The Ovion System: (A) The Ovion system is 1 mm in outer diameter and can be placed through 3F working channels found
in small rigid or flexible hysteroscopes. (B) The micro-insert is made up of a self-expanding nitinol frame embedded with PET fibers, which
support tissue ingrowth
2 cm. It is permanent contraceptive device consisting of • Transcervical methods. Essure is safe and effective.
expandable metal tube containing an inner matrix that induces No major adverse events are reported. Strict inclusion
fibrosis and blockage of the intramural part of tube. FDA criteria and follow-up is essential to optimize the
approval has not yet sought. The micro-insert is composed outcome. Alternative contraception practice is mandatory
of self-expanding nitinol frame embedded with PET fibres. for improved success rate. HSG is advocated after 12
No portion of device trail to uterine cavity. Ovion system is weeks to assess the outcome.
1 mm in outer diameter and can be placed through 3F • In the Adiana method, the procedure is safe and well
working channel found in small rigid or flexible tolerated. Cost data is not yet known.
hysteroscopes. Both micro-inserts are loaded simultaneously • Quinacrine is studied in poorer nations where medical
so they could be deployed in succession. The ovion device technology is less. It is a mutagen. It is implicated as a
can be loaded to flexible hysteroscope as office use. It is potential carcinogen although not established. It is cost
easier, faster and could have potential benefit of IVF or effective.
endometrial ablation.
Intratubal Ligation Device(USA) I thank Professor Dr RK Mishra without whose exceptional
and admirable guidance I would not have gone through this
The occlusion is achieved by ligation of intravaginal portion DMAS course and wonderful training which carve a niche
of tubal epithelium by an elastomeric band which leads to in my career and professional development.
scar formation and creates permanent damage. This is under
phase 1 trial. BIBLIOGRAPHY
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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2010;3(3):159-164 163