Page 16 - Journal of WALS
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          Galal MM Abou El-Nagah
          Combined TAPP and TEP: A New Modified Technique for

          Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair

          Galal MM Abou El-Nagah

          ABSTRACT                                            repair, dissection is initiated totally in the extraperitoneal
                                                              space. However, there is a crucial difference between the
          Background: No other laparoscopic procedure has been the
          source of controversy as much as the laparoscopic approach  two techniques because TEP does not include the use of
          to inguinal hernias. The two common laparoscopic techniques  pneumoperitoneum as opposed to TAPP approach. The TEP
          include the transabdominal preperitoneal repair (TAPP) and the
          total extraperitoneal repair (TEP). We present our experience  technique of laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair avoids entry
          with a novel technique by combining the two ideas of TAPP and  into the abdominal cavity, and thereby eliminates the risks
          TEP to get benefit of both techniques. We compared the  and complications inherent to the TAPP repair. Major blood
          operative time and the need for mesh fixation of the new  vessel, bowel and bladder injury are extremely rare and
          technique with that of the standard TAPP technique.
                                                              mostly associated with TAPP technique. Recently, the TEP
          Methods: From May 2009 to July 2011, a total of 335 patients  technique has become more popular laparoscopic approach
          complaining of indirect inguinal hernia were included in this
          study. We have operated on 137 patients with new technique of  to groin hernias.
          combined TAPP and TEP (first group). The other 198 patients  In our practice, we developed a novel technique by
          were operated with the standard TAPP technique (second  combining the two ideas of TAPP and TEP so as to get
          group). All patients who had the new modified technique were
          operated by a single surgeon in a university-affiliated hospital.  benefit of both techniques. We noticed that creating a
                                                              ‘pneumoperitoneum-like’ state in TEP technique facilitates
          Results: All procedures have been finished laparoscopically
          with no conversion. The average operative time was 39.8 minutes  the dissection of the peritoneum and fascia transversalis off
          for the first group and 44.3 minutes for the second group. Mesh  anterior abdominal wall. We do this in TAPP by insufflation
          was fixed in 30 patients (21.9%) of the first group and 81 patients  of CO  under vision in extraperitoneal space using Veress
          (40.9%) of the second group. Postoperative port site infection  2
          in the first group occurred in 3 patients (2.19%). No perioperative  needle then withdraw the needle and continue the operation
          morbidity or mortality occurred.                    as usual classical TAPP.
          Conclusion: Combined TAPP and TEP is safe and feasible. It
          simplifies the procedure; makes operative time significantly less  METHODS
          with lower rate of recurrence as well as decreases the need for  From May 2009 to July 2011, a total of 235 patients were
          mesh fixation.
                                                              scheduled for elective laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair
          Keywords: TAPP, TEP, Laparoscopic hernia repair.    and included in this study. All patients have signed an
          How to cite this article: Abou EL-Nagah GMM. Combined  informed consent to be enrolled in this study and protocol
          TAPP and TEP: A New Modified Technique for Laparoscopic  of the research has been approved by Alexandria Faculty
          Inguinal Hernia Repair. World J Lap Surg 2012;5(2):72-75.
                                                              Medical Ethics Committee. All patients were operated under
          Source of support: Nil                              general anesthesia in a university-affiliated hospital. The
          Conflict of interest: None declared                 patients were randomly divided into two groups: The first
                                                              group included 137 patients who underwent the new
          INTRODUCTION                                        technique of combined TAPP and TEP while the second

          A variety of laparoscopic techniques for hernia repair were  group included 198 patients who underwent the standard
          described. The two common laparoscopic techniques   TAPP technique. All the patients had routine preoperative
          include the transabdominal preperitoneal repair (TAPP) and  evaluation. The patients were put in supine position which
          the total extraperitoneal repair (TEP) which mimics the open  had been changed to  Trendelenburg position after
          preperitoneal repair of Stoppa. Both the TAPP and TEP  introduction of first umbilical trochar.
          use the basic principle of placing a piece of mesh in the  In the first group, who underwent combined TAPP and
          preperitoneal space as described by Stoppa.  The TAPP  TEP, a Veress needle was inserted through a small supra-
          repair is performed from within the abdomen with an  umbilical incision and a pneumoperitoneum at a pressure
          incision that is made in the peritoneum to access the  of 15 mm Hg was performed. Removal of Veress needle
          preperitoneal space. It is the most common laparoscopic  and then a 10 mm camera trochar was inserted instead and
          technique used because it allows the surgeon to have the  the groins were assessed. The preperitoneal space was then
          entire abdominal cavity as visual referral points. In the TEP  entered through a small 2 mm infraumbilical incision,
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