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          Abhiijit Sharadchandra Joshi
           CASE REPORT
          Laparoscopic Management of Renal Hydatid Cyst

          Abhiijit Sharadchandra Joshi

          ABSTRACT                                            establishing pneumoperitoneum with the closed method,
          I submit herewith, a case report of a 55-year-old male farmer,  using Veress’ needle and CO  insufflation, the trocars were
          who developed a large left renal lower pole hydatid cyst. He  inserted. Two 10 mm and two 5 mm trocars were used.
          was successfully treated laparoscopically in April 2007, via the  Dissection was commenced (Fig. 3) by reflecting the
          transperitoneal access. There were no intraoperative
          complications and over a 2.5 years follow-up period. He was  descending colon medially after incising the lateral
          essentially asymptomatic and disease free. To the best of my  peritoneal fold so as to enter the retroperitoneal space. The
          knowledge, this is only the fourth reported case of laparoscopic  cyst wall was well demarcated. The cyst was then
          treatment of renal hydatid cyst.
                                                              surrounded from all sides by hypertonic saline-soaked gauze
          Keywords: Renal hydatid, Laparoscopically transperitoneal.  pieces to avoid contamination of the peritoneal cavity in
          How to cite this article: Joshi AS. Laparoscopic Management  the event of spillage of the contents of the cyst. The second
          of Renal Hydatid Cyst. World J Lap Surg 2012;5(3):150-152.  10 mm trocar was then introduced under laparoscopic vision
          Source of support: Nil                              directly into the cyst (Fig. 4). No spillage occurred at the
                                                              trocar entry site during or after the entry. A 10 mm suction
          Conflict of interest: None declared
                                                              cannula was then inserted into the cyst and the contents
          INTRODUCTION                                        were sucked out (Fig. 5). Hypertonic saline was then instilled
                                                              into the cyst through the second channel on the suction
          Hydatid disease is endemic in cattle and sheep-raising
          regions of the world. The treatment of hydatid cysts is  cannula, was kept in situ for 10 minutes and was then sucked
          principally surgical. With advances in laparoscopic  out. Then the laparoscope was passed into the cyst to directly
          techniques and equipment, hydatid disease has become  visualize and confirm complete evacuation (Fig. 6). After
          manageable by the same.                             this the scope was reinserted through the subumbilical
                                                              10 mm trocar and the intracystic 10 mm trocar was
          CASE REPORT                                         withdrawn out of the cyst. A cystotomy was then performed

          A 55-year-old farmer presented to our hospital in March  to gain access into the cyst after which the endocyst was
          2007 with left-sided abdominal pain and lump in left side  removed in toto and placed in endo bag. The remnant
          of abdomen. Ultrasonography (USG) and computed      ectocyst was deroofed (Fig. 7) at multiple places where it
          tomographic (CT) scan of the abdomen revealed a large  was bare, taking care not to injure the descending
          hydatid cyst, 15 cm in diameter, arising from the lower pole  mesocolon. These chunks of ectocyst were all extracted with
          of left kidney (Figs 1 and 2). He was given albendazole  the endocyst using the endobag. After confirming
          600 mg OD for 2 weeks preoperatively. The surgery was  hemostasis at the edges, the resulting cavity was packed
          performed under general anesthesia, with the patient in  with greater omentum held in position with 4-5 silk stitches.
          supine position with a left side elevation of 15º. After  A 28 Fr tube drain was passed through the lateral trocar site

                    Fig. 1: CT image of LT renal hydatid 1              Fig. 2: CT image of LT renal hydatid 2
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