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Hana Alhomoud, Oscar Manuel Torres Falcon

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              roscopic-assisted vs open colectomy for colon cancer: A pro-
              spective randomized trial. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A
              2004;14:329-34.                                 ABOUT THE AUTHORS
           26. Pascual M, Alonso S, Parés D, Courtier R, Gil MJ, Grande L,
              et al. Randomized clinical trial comparing inflammatory and  Hana Alhomoud (Corresponding Author)
              angiogenic response after open versus laparoscopic curative  Senior Resident, Department of Colorectal Surgery, Al-Sabah Hospital
              resection for colonic cancer. Br J Surg 2011;98:50-59.  Kuwait, e-mail:
           27. Hewett PJ, Allardyce RA, Bagshaw PF, Frampton CM, Frizelle
              FA, Rieger NA, et al. Short-term outcomes of the Australasian  Oscar Manuel Torres Falcon
              randomized clinical study comparing laparoscopic and
              conventional open surgical treatments for colon cancer: The  Senior Resident, Department of Laparoscopic Surgery, Juan I
              ALCCaS trial. Ann Surg 2008;248:728-38.         Menchaca Hospital, Jalisco, Mexico

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