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          Hana Alhomoud, Oscar Manuel Torres Falcon
          Laparoscopic assisted vs Open Surgery for Colon Cancer

          Hana Alhomoud, Oscar Manuel Torres Falcon

          ABSTRACT                                            used: ‘Laparoscopy’, ‘laparoscopy-assisted’, ‘surgery’,
                                                              ‘colorectal cancer’.
          Purpose: A review article to evaluate and compare the short-
          and long-term results of laparoscopic-assisted colectomy ( LAC)
          and open colectomy (OC) for colon cancer.           RESULTS
          Materials and methods: Relevant papers were searched using  Twelve RCT that compared LAC and OC for colon cancer
          MEDLINE,Science Citation Index and Cochrane Controlled Trial     9-28
          Register, by using the search terms ‘laparoscopy’, ‘surgery’,  were identified.   The results of the outcomes over short-
          ‘colectomy’ and ‘colon cancer’.                     and long-term periods are reported below.
          Conclusion: LAC has the benefits of reducing intraoperative
          blood loss, earlier resumption of oral intake and shorter duration  Short-term Outcomes
          of hospital stay.
                                                              Of the 12 RCTs, five reported the operative duration, in all
          Keywords: Laparoscopy-assisted colorectal surgery, Colorectal  five reports, the operative duration was significantly longer
          cancer, Open colorectal surgery, Randomized controlled trials.
                                                              for LAC than OC. Blood loss in patients who underwent
          How to cite this article:  Alhomoud H, Falcon OMT.  LAC was significantly lower than that in patients who
          Laparoscopic assisted vs Open Surgery for Colon Cancer. World  underwent OC, by an average volume of 103.9 ml. There
          J Lap Surg 2012;5(3):128-130.
                                                              was no significant difference in the number of transfused
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              patients. The duration of hospital stay and the time of oral
          Conflict of interest: None                          diet were significantly shorter with LAC than with OC. The
                                                              incision length was significantly shorter by 11.77 cm in LAC
          INTRODUCTION                                        than in OC. The rate of the overall postoperative
          Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth leading cause of  complication was significantly lower in LAC than OC. The
          cancer-specific mortality worldwide, with 610,000 related  rate of ileus was significantly lower in LAC than OC. The
          deaths each year.  CRC is the fourth most common form of  rate of anastomosis leakage between the two groups was
          cancer in the United States  and the third leading cause of  insignificant. There were no significant differences in
          cancer-related death in Western world.  Because surgery  perioperative mortality between the two groups.
          remains the primary treatment modality in colorectal cancer,
          the introduction of rapidly evolving laparoscopic techniques  Long-term Outcomes
          in the treatment of patients with colon and rectal cancer has  With respect to overall recurrence, local recurrence, distal
          been met with appropriate concern and resistance.   metastasis and peritoneal dissemination, the differences
          Laparoscopic resection for CRC was first described in  between the two groups were insignificant. The analysis of
          1991,  and the enthusian for laparoscopic colectomy grew  the wound site recurrence between LAC and OC groups
          when recovery benefits for patients became more apparent.  indicated no significant difference. There was also no
          Numerous randomized controlled trials (RCT) comparing  significant difference in the overall and cancer-related
          laparoscopic to open surgery for colon cancer were  mortality between the two groups.
          published, clearly demonstrating that in experienced hands,
          appropriate oncologic resection can be performed and  DISCUSSION
          produce results equivalent to the open techniques.  The  In short-term periods, laparoscopic surgery for colon cancer
          aim of this paper is to review the published literature  is associated with significantly longer operation times but
          regarding the evolution of laparoscopic surgery for  significantly less intraoperative blood loss compared with
          colorectal cancer.
                                                              conventional open surgery. Patients who underwent LAC
                                                              resumed oral intake significantly earlier and had
                                                              significantly shorter hospital stays than did patients who
          Searched through the major medical database done, such  underwent OC; this finding suggests that LAC leads to faster
          as MEDLINE, EMBASE, Science Citation Index and      recovery. The rate of postoperative complications was
          Cochrane Controlled Trial the following search terms were  significantly lower in LAC than in OC. The rate of ileus is
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