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                                                            Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology

          particularly for early-stage endometrial cancer where the  However, the surgeons can nowadays perform easily
          tumor is limited to the uterus, become easy and feasible,  hysterectomy easily with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
          also the patient will stay for short period in the hospital, so  to treat the endometrial cancer laparoscopically by LESS
          there is clear improvement in quality of life. 34   surgery via a single-site incision. This will be done by
             The surgical staging of endometrial cancer is very  utilizing the newest generation of port systems that allow
          important because it gives picture about the method of the  several laparoscopic instruments to be used in the same time
          treatment and prognosis, but an alternative method of  through a single-operating trocar.
          surgically staging is a LESS approach. In general, this  Absolute contraindications to the performance of LESS
          approach is limited to a selected group of women with  include cancer patients with evidence of metastatic disease,
          stage I disease. However, laparoscopic pelvic and para-  also patients with poor pulmonary function who cannot stay
          aortic lymph node dissection may also be done in women  in the positioning required for LESS, but relative
          who are incompletely staged at their primary surgery. 35  contraindications are dependent on surgeon experience and
             There is another minimally invasive alternative method  skillful level in LESS. Trials of the operations done by LESS
          for laparoscopy which is called robotic surgery, which is  in gynecology are given in the Table 1.
          used nowadays in surgical treatment of endometrial cancer,
          the use of robotic procedures for treating gynecologic  DISCUSSION
          oncology diseases has increased alot nowadays as many  The treatment of gynecological oncology diseases has been
          studies have proved that.  This robotic surgery has great  developed nowadays. The old concept for treatment of
          benefits, like improvement of surgeon movement, and  gynecological tumors is radical surgery by laparotomy to
          allows 3-D optics. Recent reports demonstrate that  give a good field to manipulate the tumor as in endometrial
          endometrial cancer staging can be performed with a daVinci  cancer or ovarian cancer but nowadays this method has been
          surgical system which is preferable over abdominal staging  changed as minimally invasive surgery for patients with
          and also over the laparoscopic staging because it gives many  gynecologic malignancies has progressively increase.
          advantages, like enhancement of lymph nod excision,    Numerous studies have proved that laparoscopic
          decrease in the blood loss and decrease in operative time. 37  approaches to various gynecologic oncology conditions

                                 Table 1: Summary of trials of the operations done by LESS in gynecology
           References        Type of    No. of  Type of         Duration  Blood  Hospital  Complications  Conversion
           (years)            study     patient  operation       of the   loss     stay    rate (%)    to other
                                                                 surgery  (CC)    (day)              method (%)
           Ghezzi, Cromi    Prospective  10      SPL               27       -       1         0          0
           et al (2005)                          salpingectomy
           Kim, Lee         Prospective  24      SPA-LAVH         199      400      3         -          3
           et al (2008)
           Lim, Kim             -        12      Adnexectomy       73       10      1         0          0
           et al (2009)
           Fader and            -        13      Adnexectomy       65       -       1         0          0
           Escobar (2009)
           Kim, Lee         Prospective  24      Salpingo-         70       10      1         0         12
           et al (2009)                          oophorectomy
           Yoon, Park       Prospective  20      SPL               55     Minimal   2         2
           et al (2009)                          salpingectomy
           Yoon, Kim        Prospective   7      Hysterectomy     157      200      4         0          0
           et al (2009)
           Langebrekke and      -         1      Total laparoscopic  60   Minimal  5 hrs      0          0
           Qvigstad (2009)                       hysterectomy with
                                                 single-port access
                                                 without vaginal
           Fader and       Retrospective  30     Endometrial ovarian  65  Minimal   1         0          0
           Escobar (2009)                        cancer staging
                                                 bilateral salpingo-
           Escobar, Bedaiwy   Cohort      7      LESS surgery for   -       75    >24 hrs     0         14
           et al (2010)                          benign adnexal disease

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2012;5(3):121-127                      125
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