Page 4 - Peer Reviewed Laparoscopic Jornal
P. 4

Swapan Kumar Maiti et al

          surgery. The animals were evaluated on the basis following  procedure. The postsurgical recovery from anesthesia in all
          observations.                                       of the animals of three groups was smooth and uneventful.
          •  Intraoperative and postoperative observations:      Establishment CP in each animal was easy and safe.
             Visualization of different peritoneal organs namely liver,  Insufflation of the abdominal cavity with CO  gas at the
             spleen, urinary bladder, uterus, ovary, pancreas, gall  flow rate of 2 L/min was found sufficient for establishment
             bladder, stomach and intestine were assessed on the basis  of CP within 1 to 2 minutes in all of the animals of three
             of scoring for each organ as: 0-no visualization of an  groups. All animals were closely monitored for their
             organ; 1-difficult visualization of an organ; 2-moderate  respiration and capillary perfusion. Each animal tolerated
             visualization of an organ and 3-optimum visualization  well during insufflation even at Trendelenburg position.
             of an organ.                                     Insufflation by CO  at 6, 10 and 14 mm Hg was maintained
          •  Clinical observations: The heart rate (beats/min),  for 30 minutes in each animal of groups A, B and C
             respiratory rate (breaths/min), and rectal temperature  respectively. During this period complication like emphysema
             (°F) were recorded before and after anesthesia, 30,  or respiratory distress was not noticed in any animal.
             60 and 120 minutes after establishment of CP and    The urinary bladder was visualized first by its
             24 hours postlaparoscopy.                        characteristic tortuous structures of blood vessels. Uterine
          •  Electrocardiographic observations: A lead II ECG was  body was visualized next and it depended on the distension
             recorded at 1 mV and 25 mm/s paper speed before and  of the urinary bladder. The uterus and ovarian structure were
             after anesthesia, 30, 60 and 120 minutes after   thoroughly visualized with their characteristic ivory-colored,
                                                              cord-like structure. Both the kidneys were identified by the
             establishment of CP and 24 hours after laparoscopy. The  presence of perirenal fat at the corresponding level of last
             ECG was analyzed for heart rate, duration and amplitude  costochondral junction (Fig. 1). Spleen was visualized in
             of P-wave, QRS complex, T-wave and RR, P-R, S-T  the upper left abdominal quadrant, cranial to the left kidney.
             and Q-T intervals.                               It was tongue shaped and in close exposure its diaphragmatic
          •  Hematological and biochemical observations:      surface was converse and cobbled. In the upper right
             Heparinized blood was collected before and after  abdominal quadrant, liver was identified by its bright red
             anesthesia, 30, 60 and 120 minutes after establishment  color and uniform smooth surfaces. Gallbladder was
             of CP and 24 hours postlaparoscopy for estimation of  visualized in between right medial and right lateral lobes
             packed cell volume (PCV), hemoglobin (Hb), total  and appeared as distended, round and whitish to bluish in
             leukocyte count (TLC), differential leukocyte count  color (Fig. 1). The empty stomach appeared as dense, pale-
             (DLC), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine  red in color and was situated toward the mid-abdominal
             aminotransferase (ALT), creatinine, blood urea nitrogen  plane. Visualization of pancreas was found most difficult
             and uric acid using standard procedures.         in this study. In contrary, intestine was visualized very easily
          •  Acid-base observations: Different acid-base parameters  and appeared as loop like structures (Fig.1) Different
             like pH, partial pressure of oxygen (pO ), partial pressure  abdominal organs were evaluated in respect of their
             of carbon dioxide (pCO ), sodium, potassium, chloride  visualization pattern during laparoscopy in three groups.
             and base excess were estimated by using 0.5 ml an  Observations were recorded on the basis of numerical score
             aerobically collected heparinized venous blood in blood  from ‘0’ to ‘3’ depending on the degree of visualization
             gas analyzer.                                    (Table 1). No differences in scores have been observed in
          •  Hormonal observations: The plasma samples were used  groups B and C, but they significantly (p < 0.05) differed
             to estimate the cortisol by radioimmunoassay assay using  from group A.
             RIA kit.                                            Normal appetite returned within 2 to 4 hours after
          •  Statistical analysis: The data were subjected to two-way  surgical intervention in all animals. No postoperative
             analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the paired t-test, as  complications like emphysema, portal herniation, peritonitis,
             per standard statistical methods.                ascites, or stitch abscess were recorded in any animals of
                                                              the three groups.
                                                              Clinical Observations
          Intraoperative and Postoperative Observations
                                                              The respiration rate (breaths/min), heart rate (beats/min),
          The surgical phase of anesthesia in all the animals of  and rectal temperature (°F) recorded in all of the animals of
          different groups was achieved by administering xylazine  three groups are presented in Table 2. Respiration rate
          and ketamine in combination. No additional anesthesia was  decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in all the animals of three
          required in any animal to complete the intraoperative  groups after anesthesia. However, in group C, it was
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